Was working on new map, gonna be amazing so much interlocking about 3 1/2 hours worth of work **** geomerged first floor 85% complete and then. i ended game on accident instead of hitting new round -.- i didnt save since i started today big note : DONT FORGET TO SAVE ALOT well either way i guess ill start up a new project, in which id like to take up a partner . any takers?
I hate it when that **** happens. Bungie could have at least added in the thing that asks you YES/NO for something that could destroy the map you have bin working on for the past hours.
It is no accident. If you start to many new rounds it eventually ends the game, happens to me alot. Just save often and end the game to reset the process.
yea, well if wat 720 says is true, f*ck i feel lke a shmuck -.- i was puttin my alll in that. I almost wanted to redo it but i knew i wouldn't be able to reproduce tht beauty. o well and yea after i saw enclosed i almost wanted to ask if you wanted to help make a 2 v 2
Ah, yes. The all-popular accidental quit. I wonder, has anyone else sworn they ended the round and the game ended instead? The first time this happened, I merely pointed the finger at myself for not slowing down to read. However, I can recall this occurring several times since then. Maybe this was your case. Either way, you're out of a map. What I've found helpful is to draw (and I can't draw to save my life) or sketch the theme of the map. So, when you're done being angry with Forge, you can return with a plan already set. From there, it's just a matter of building it =] Best of luck, bro!
thts the problem i drew it out on paper and it was like im staring at my amazing drawing skills in 3-D ;] next time im just gonna save a lot more.
wow.....that has never happened to me before. i feel for you. lol lets start an almost999sk8 relief fund project
If you start too many new rounds the game will end... i think it's 20 or so but other says 15 other 25. Just save and quit every few rounds... I'm glad you learned this... But not the hard way. PS: Shouldn't this be in forge discussion?
That has happened way too often in my maps. Luckily it never happens in a tilted map cause every immovable objects ends up requiring save+quit floating trick.