
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Shock Theta, Aug 17, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. OK

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    There are 4 BR's..
  2. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    DAMMIT, SHOCK! You just ruined it! We were going to do that right at the start and totally demoralize our opponents. And now you ruined it. I hope you're happy. (Spoiler removed m'dear...)

    Actually, I didn't even think you guys realized that. In hindsight, how silly of me to assume that I know more about the map than you.

    Good job putting people in their place, but please don't spoon-feed them any more map strategy. Let them figure it out themselves, or suffer the consequences.

    And by the way, guys, it's a double-elim tournament. So even if you lose on this one, you'll still get to play the next map, which has very different gameplay. Far more traditional. And if you're a BR king, you'll love it.
    #102 Furious D 18, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  3. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    ^ That was my tactic. And i told Shock it...

    Stop spreading!!!!!!!

    During construction... and yes you can have the credit :p
  4. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    You'll also love it if you like white.

    Also, the top is not too strong. Sure, it is a power position, but it should be, giving the players up there an advantage. But you can get up there just as easily. Back in the far window panel room, get on the extra ledge, then buddy jump into the window area. You're in just a powerful position as they are, and they don't even expect it.

    Senior Member

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    There are 4 BRs that spawn on the map, with a run-time maximum of 6. Its ample, especially considering the size.
  6. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    In the original post, there are two line breaks between the first pic and the second pic, but only one line break between the rest. Sloppy.

    Fixed... ;-(
  7. InvisibleCookie117

    Senior Member

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    for all you 2v2ers out there this map is a gotta have, also comes with 2 great 2v2 gametypes(faceoff slayer,faceoff vip, & faceoff ball)(lol "ball" :p)
  8. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Please put up some more screenshots of it up cause my LIVE is down and I wanna see more of the map since I'll probably be hearing so much about it.
  9. Sp3c0p5grunt

    Sp3c0p5grunt Ancient
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    wtf is that peice of crap supposed to be?

  10. geckio007

    geckio007 Ancient
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    Wow... I'm surprised that the map makers and staff gave away so much information on this first map of the tourny. Be careful... don't let the ignorance and the unappreciative get you worked up. Most people know you guys are doing an awesome job hence why some respond with "I'm glad there's someone else out there that agrees with me." Not a verbatim quote but you know what I mean.

    This first map blew me away because it was almost a new style of game play where you have to be just as aware vertically as you would horizontally. I can see where it frustrates people at first, but it evens the playing field between good players and inexperienced players. I played 2v2 with my partner against two friends who were inferior to us in Halo. We made one small mistake, lost some key weapons, and the other team got a good position to where it was very difficult to regain control. It was a close game for a good while. It was frustrating but very exciting so I'm stoked about the tourny.

    I think I may have found a glitch however... nothing big but something that confused me. I had the ball up top and would drop it to help my teammate and I would accidentally drop it over the side. About 5 seconds later after I looked over the edge to find it I would get "Play Ball!". Convenient for me but not so much for the other team. I'll have to watch the film in theater to see if it fell off the map or something. Just thought I would let the staff know.

    Anyways, thanks again to the staff and everyone else for putting a tournament on for everyone. It's hard to believe that some people would rather complain about someone else's hard work rather than go make their own tournament since they think they can do such a better job creating maps, testing maps, organizing sign-ups, making brackets, posting updates, etc. Thanks again, see everyone either tonight for TGIF or Sunday and later for the tournament.
    #110 geckio007, Aug 22, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008
    NeverlessWonder likes this.
  11. The Real KingLS2

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    OMG it out already y didnt any one tell me.dude theres like no bumps on this map your the best map maker!
  12. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    There should be more posts like this in here.
  13. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I concur... thank you for that post (and I respect its intelligence too, +rep). It is hard not to respond to comments you know you can thoroughly refute, but it seems several of us fell into that trap, especially myself. I'm protective in the face of unjustified ridicule, lol.

    Regarding the oddball issue, I can't think of why that should be. The reset time is 30 seconds, so it must have fallen out of Foundry itself... and I can't think of where that might have happened. Was there a bit of lag? Perhaps it hit the edge of a geomerged box and slipped out. The vid should provide an answer, but I can't think of a consistent reason why that would occur.
  14. carbone1993

    carbone1993 Ancient
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    WOAOOOah just downlaoded this map and its GREAT pure awsomness !!! 100000000000000000/5
  15. geckio007

    geckio007 Ancient
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    I was able to check the film on my lunch break today. It actually looks like a glitch within Halo. When I dropped the ball it fell near the edge of the platform but didn't fall. Right when it came to its final resting place (about a second and a half after I dropped it) it disappeared and went straight to "Play ball!" This actually happened two separate times in two consecutive games, and both times were similar situations.

    Therefore, I don't believe there is anything wrong on the forging end. Also, I can't eliminate the lag theory. I never went to black screen but I was running 2 xbox's and a computer at the same time.
  16. Akidnamedbob

    Akidnamedbob Ancient
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    sweet, i was waitin 4 this
  17. Shisko Uzaka

    Shisko Uzaka Ancient
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    All I can say is..Awesome!
  18. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    The map is awesome. The only thing I don't like about it are the crate and pallets. They get in the way too much because the map is small enough already. If there was maybe one more way to get to the very top. like ledges on the side walls, then that would be awesome too.
  19. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    You know ass much as I was looking forward to this tournament I have to say that(no offense to the makers) this map is a massive let down. First its tiny theres no room to mave around at all. second if you control the high-ground you automatically win. And third the layout is poor and not really appealing. Yes the map has great eye appeal and all but seriously did they even consider the gameplay?
  20. xYx ZeuS xYx

    xYx ZeuS xYx Ancient
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    I like the way the map is set up, but i personally dont think that its very fun to play on. I dont like the way it so small

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