Ok, this might be very very old, considering how long we've been playing on Last Resort. But I've never heard of this, and I've never noticed this before. But basically, there are water spouts or drains built into the sea wall on Last Resort, and you can throw grenades through them! I noticed this when I was trying to bounce a grenade off that wall to injure an attacker at Territory 1. The grenade went right through! I was like, "WTF, hax! Bungie fails at interlocking!" Then it happened with my second grenade, and it kept happening throughout the match. When I watched the video, I noticed the spout exit. Isn't this awesome? Did anyone know about this already? Like I said, could be old, but I just noticed it, and I think it is awesome.
Omg, I've never noticed that before, probably the fault of the Spawn Points, nah not really. Lol, I'm gonna look right nao.
wow.....i feel sorry for you when you threw that grenade. i bet you went into forge and tryed it out again lol
I've never noticed that either. If Bungie does release a map editor, I'll make a pipe that when you throw a grenade in it'll get transferred across the map. That'd be so cool, seeing as it'd be my pipe dream. Also, I don't see how those drains would help in gameplay, seeing as you can create better paths by throwing it over.
Well the pipe certainly didn't help me on Last Resort. I would have killed that stupid attacker, or at least injured him. After the first grenade, I spent an extra second to throw another grenade. And when that one disappeared, I was pissed. I ended up killing the attacker, but that extra second I spent throwing the second grenade allowed him to capture the territory. Meh, we still won the game.
omg, If I ever stuck someone through there I=Epic Person #1, Now that yoyu poin this out, I'm gonna camp there all the time, and try to stick people.
i have seen these before if you look closely they are all along the walls its a very cool trick but not very useful.
I've seen the spouts coming out of the wall but never thought that there was an actual hole/drain lol.
Weird, I never actually noticed that. That is cool, like Bloumbas said, it would be very epic if you stuck a guy through it!
I knew that this existed. It is a cool feature, but it is not useful in any fashion whatsoever. I like the concept of having something that you can throw a grenade threw however. Maybe this could be done in a map on foundry or something.
Wow, anmazingly, no one has mentioned that before. I myself haven't even noticed the drains, and I was checking out that wall today. They must blend in well. I don't think they contribute to the gameplay, but it's a neat little feature. Of course, there could be other things bungie could have been working on... Has anyone ever seen these drains in Halo 2 Zanzibar?
yea it is pretty well covered. while on top of the wall all you see is grass though on the beach you can see the vents well. I'm pretty sure if its in H2 its visible from across the map, the maps werent that well detailed to cover it up or throw your eyes towards something else.
Wow. I could play 50 forge games on Last Resort and seriously never notice that. Guess it shows just how much detail Bungie puts into their work.
very nice find, im going to make a box, with the drain pipe leading into it, tell my friend to get inside, seal it off, (and before the round make our health pretty low) and then say i will kill you without shooting you, or getting into the box, and he will be like: there is no way and then ill kill him and hell be like omfgwtfbbq hacks!!! lol cant wait
Absolutely amazing. I only wish it were somewhere more prominent where we could actually put it to a use besides flinging dirt into our enemies weather-resistant, plexi-glass faceguards.
I bet your discovery is going to spawn a whole new generation of montages...let the Daft Punk begin...
WTF i never noticed that nao i know to not throw grenades there i mean thats so gay but nice discovery!