Your map looks really good! I'm seeing a lot of new and original things on it. I really like the multiple levels. You kept the flooring neat on all of them. The map looks really cool, you kept it neat every where and the layout looks really cool. Nice work and keep it up!
the map looks great and the use of interlocking is the icing on the cake, hands down 5/5, keep making maps dude
I'm glad you liked the map. My new map, cloistered comes out next week! Hope you have fun on the map. Thanks for the feedback.
Sorry to upset you... but I broke your map. You can download the video of me doing so here. Ok, besides that, this is what I think about your map: Layout: This layout is really epic. The size is perfect, and the way you had each base set up to where one goes two up and one down and the other one up and two down was very clever. This is a very well made asymmetrical map. The few things I think you should do though is get rid of all the active camo, overshields, and custom power ups. (I'll get to that reason later) Also, as you'll see in the video, you should get rid of those stairs and use fence walls to block that area off. Another thing that you don't really need is the third (highest) bridge where the custom power ups and overshields are. I know it's there to make the map look nicer, but it's not needed (You may keep it though, like I said it doesn't affect much). The shield door lake thing was a neat idea, it's placed at the right hight to where it'd be hard to camp. Which is good. However, the other one that isn't part of it, I'd say get rid of that one, that one is very campable. Weapons: I've read other posts, and I already knew that you had to work on this a lot. At first, I didn't realize why you didn't place things such as BR's, Carbines, SMG's, etc. But after looking at your map in forge, I realized it was a budget issues. But it's like I said, by removing the power ups, the bridge, and the two shield doors then you'll have plenty of money to place weapons. Another thing is that all your weapons and equipment are set on the default spawns. I'm sure you already know now that, that is not a good idea. Well, before I get into that, I'll go over placement. I noticed you had the sword in the lake. To be honest, I think the sword would reek havoc on this map. So I think it'd be best to just get rid of that. As for the shotgun, I think that is placed very nicely. Just set it on 120, and 1 clip. As for the sniper, well, it's never really good to have the sniper in it's prime spot. I say you move it to where the shield doors were (the camping ones) and do the same spawn times as the shotgun. The needler was placed good. Just put it on a 90 sec. respawn. Normally, I don't like fire bombs, but I honestly think that this map could do good with them. But I think it'd be best to switch it to the other side (flip-flop it with the bubble) ~And the only reason I say that is because you don't want the shotgun close to a bubble shield. That can prove to be troubling. The grav. lift idea was pretty nifty, I must say. I liked it a lot. But for some odd reason they kept spawning fast. I'm not sure why, but you might want to look into that. As for grenades... I think you should stick with Frags and Plasma (as the two basic set, keep the 1 fire bomb by all means) It's always a good idea to limit grenades, that way your map doesn't turn into a massive spam grenades map. So I'd say place 4 frags, and 4 plasma's somewhere around the map. Not close to each other either. Oh, and put frags on a 20 sec. respawn, and the plasma nades on a 30 sec. respawn. Now on to what I think you should add. First thing would be a brute shot. I think it'd be wise to place this in the spot of the sword. Putting it on a 90 sec. respawn just like the needler. I think it'd be a good idea to also throw in some BR's and Carbines. At least 4 BR's (two around each base) and 2 Carbines (some where in the middle area of the map). For each of them, put them on a 45 sec. respawn. Other than that, I can't say much. But try to see if you can place some duel weapons (spikers, SMG's, etc.) around. Don't over do it and place a lot. Maybe a set for each team. I tend to do so and place my sticky type grenades close to them. But do what you think would be best. In the end, I guess the best thing to realize is what would make your map's gameplay balanced. That's the key thing to remember. I hope this section helps, it's the main thing I'm good at (if you haven't noticed). Oh, and don't think I'm done... got one last thing to discuss. Spawns This is the most important part of any map. I think anyways. Spawns will make or break a map. Your spawns seemed to be nicely placed, but you could tweak it a little to make it better. Near the base that has the shotgun, on the bridge that leads to the pool, you should make those two spawns back-to-back, not facing the same way. I can just imagine someone spawning in one, and at the same time someone spawns behind said person, and insta-kill happens (Not good). Another thing is Starting Points. I noticed you did place them, but it's good to place more than one. To be honest, I think 3v3's would be awesome here. So stick with that (in as place three starting points for each team). As for FFA's I think 4 - 6 players would be best, so place four other starting points through out the map in places that are some what equally away from each other. (In as, don't have two right next to each other to where when the game starts they already are getting shot at) It might be hard to pull this off, but I think you can do it. Oh, and if you do it for Oddball and KotH, then don't place them in/near the hill or by the oddball (like I said, try to equlize it, and I think you can do it). The actual spawn system, I don't know how it works because I've yet to play a game on it, but I think it'll be fine. And with that, I'm done with my reply. I hope this helps you out because this is a really great map you have here and I would love to see an updated version. (Hell, I'll even go as far to say this may one day be featured if you improve it) PS: If you want further help from me, add me on XBL (GT is the same as it is here) and in the FR say you need help on a map. Or something like that.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TAKING THE TIME TO CHECK OUT MY MAP AND LEAVE SUCH GREAT DETAILED FEEDBACK. I am really impressed by your knowledge of the forge. I plan on taking most of your suggestions with intimidation, I think they will really improve the map! Thanks for sharing your knowledge so that I can make better maps. I want to leave the sniper where it is because I noticed that most people go to the lower level of the map and the sniper will tempt them upwards. I will fix the spawn points and add some more starting points. I plan on removing the camping shield door (underneath sniper base) and place two plasma rifles and a plasma nade there and across the pool (beneath shotty base) I will place two spikers and a spike grenade. I don't want to get rid of the sword so I will make it so that it never respawns and that it spawns in the center of the pool, not in the deep end. I will also switch the fire nade and the bubble shield. I will put 1 carbine upstairs across from the needler and one carbine on the far side of the pool! You broke my map uh oh! I'll check the vid in the morning. I would love some help with my new map CLOISTERED. Ill send you a friend request, it would be great to work with you!!!! PS should I get rid of the truck above the shotty base?? PSS Thanks for going into detail! PSSS Merry forgemass?
No problem, anything to help a fellow forger. And all what you've said Sounds good. I can't wait to see this updated. As for the truck... yeah, you're going to have to.
As for the truck... yeah, you're going to have to. Noooooooooooooooooooo..... I guess I could put some stairs there cuz I'll have money left over when I replace the other stairs with fence walls. Thanks again
this map has looks like it has a serius spawn killing problem for a better post put a weapon list instead of pictures of them, and you didnt even put how many people
The map does not have a serious spawn killing problem at all. Save your critisism until you have actually played a game on this map. I think that the pictures are very helpful because they show exactly where the weapons are and differentiates my post from the thousands of other posts on Forgehub. This map is best played with six to eight people on objective games and around eight to ten people for slayer. Don't critique someones map before playing it. I will add the numbers of people that should play on this map to my post.
i couldnt have said it any better. Vorpal knows whats hes talking about. i cant wait to see the revised version.
Pretty original layout and map features.....a little messy here and there. I don't like the massive campability though. 3/5
intimidation V3 comes out tomorrow and will implement the changes that I discussed earlier on this thread. I am halfway done with the improvements and the map already looks way better! YOU can't break out anymore... Couldn't have done it without you Vorpal. THX New version out tomorrow, no more massive campability!
Of course I know what I'm talking about. No problem man, and that's good that you can't break out anymore, it's the main thing people should fix on closed maps.