[BANNER COMING SOON] Ive seen many graphics sites with sections dedicated to people challenging eachother's work. Then the community has a chance to vote which they think is better. Since Forgehub has not created one yet, I will run a thread for people to challenge eachother. Upon creation of a such section here at Forgehub -not likely- I will get this locked. Until then, here is how its going down. In order to challenge someone, you must post your work here so it can be added to the original post for voting purposes. You must also send this member you challenged a PM stating a link to your challenge here. Once both members have agreed to the battle, their opposing work will be added to the original post along with a tracker of how many votes each has. In order to vote on said battles, you must state your choice in bold and give two valid reasons for their work and why it is better. The first piece to earn 10 votes will win the challenge -bragging rights included- and will have a link to their work posted in the hall of fame in the original post. I will also post a scoreboard to show how many wins and losses each participating member has. Dizfunky Albyhouse --TRACKER-- Diz: 0 Alby: 0
I maik banur? OH AND ALSO... anyone wanna battle? EDIT: Oyah...dude let's try making a tag shop together and see how it works out.
I think if I battled you, it would be bad for.......our tag shop! Im sure someone like Alby, Gun, or Lone will wanna challenge you once they catch wind of this. And you can make a banner if you want. Also, do you want to create the sig thread? Because I dont wanna......WAAHHHHH P.S. I wont leave you like that ho Mallet did.
I'm tired and don't feel like typing all teh thread. Lol, Mallet, you got calleds a hos. We can start the thread and shop tomorrow. I'll make it, just send me some of your work.
yo my partner zendarrun left me just cause he felt like he wanted to make his own sigs for himself....i was so pissed!
Well, Im sorry about the monkeys. And Diz, send them a message if theyre on. Then they can post here and you can start up the battle.
o rite sorry. Im gonna peace now and i gotta fix my photoshop because of "liscensing" problems. Battle tmw? peace
Dude Fresh, nice idea. Hopefully it picks up and stuff unlike the Finish It! Contest. Zerosun vs. Convulse will be an awesome battle.
Alright, Convulse if you have yours. Post it here and ill get it ready for tomorrow. **** Finish It! And oh yeah, BL00D Stole the idea and is actually getting publicity for it. Sadface.
Nope...just have the sig by...today or tomorrow. I'd prefer today. No premades, unless you want me to pwn your face off.