The maps name is Segregation. ForgeHub overall rating 4.5* *based on ratings that users posted. Link to the Bungie post. The reason for that, is that the map has a "separated" feel. The map has some claustrophobic hallways and corners.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Features -Has some of the best INTERLOCKING that I have performed myself. -The right weapons and the right amount of them. -Inspired by the bottom bunkers on Isolation. -Cleanest, fastest map I have created. -Completed in just under 6 hours. -Designed For Team Slayer, and Multi-Flag CTF. Weapons/Equipment Br x10 (Default) Assault Rifle x2 (Default) SMG x4 (Default) Sentinel Beam x2 (90 sec re-spawn) Needler x2 (90 sec re-spawn) Rocket x1 (150sec re-spawn, with no extra clips) Sword x1 (120sec re-spawn) Fragmentation Grenade x4 (Default) Plasma Grenade x4 (Default) Deployable Cover x2 (90 sec re-spawn) Radar Jammer x1 (120sec re-spawn) Pics -Ariel View -Corner -Long Hallway -Needler -Rockets -SMGs -Sword -Starting Spawn
This seems very interesting. I like the bases of isolation so I should like this. Interlocking seems fine, and so does layout along with weapons, but I'll have to come back after I play it. EDIT: Will play tomorrow actually. Have to wake up at 5:30 for soccer. *Reserved for edit after I play*
It has REALLY long hallways, and your right, it does have a Claustrobia feel to it, sorry but I did'nt get the feel of this map. Sorry but No-Download from me. I rate it 3.5/5. (4 Stars)
This map looiks really clean and I am glad to see it has interlocking. Very nice. But it looks a little too closed, maybe adding other hallways to lead to the other hallways. 5/5 though as this map is very clean.
This map looks so cool! I love the feel it has. I've never seen stuff like this in a long time. This map is so cool I could just eat it CHOMP CHOMP. That was yummy. 4.5/5 Luv it
cool looks like a good map from the pics, the underground bit is the only bit i like of isolation, so good choice =) why dont you do the unlimited budget cheat, i no you would have to do it all again, but it would probably be worth it if its gonna make it that much better =)
wow i love the long, open, and enclosed hallways this looks amazing except u shud put walls and barriers instead of just doors although u only have 1 screenshot of the hallways. awesome map 6/5
Nice map. I like the ideas of the long hallways. And there isn't a sniper, so people with snipes aren't owning. I bet the sentinel beams make it sick gameplay. Not to mention, the needlers are probably just as awesome in the long hallways. That also means a lot less spawn camping. Plus, the radar jammer makes it a lot more tactical. The rocket and sword are fine because sword guy can get owned easily and the rocket guy only has two shots. Very nice map friend.
Thanks, man. The reason I didn't have walls or barriers in place of the doors was because: 1. I ran out of walls 2. I ran out of weapon holders to hold the barriers in place. Thanks for the feedback though. I'm very flattered.
seems okay, but in the hallways yo need much more cover. the interlcoking seems just a bit messy on top too. i give it a 3/5
Well.... im very impressed. All that interlocking and balancing for the gameplay to be good like you say in 6 hours. not to bad!
The top it only like that because it isn't playable. You only play on the inside. "It's what's on the inside that counts."
This map looks very clean and well thought out. It reminds me of Halo CE levels for some reason. I give this map a 5/5, good job!
Actually I already thought of that, but I decided that with the corners, the doors, and the "SMG rooms" that is was easy enough to move from "cover-2-cover."
it has nice merging in it i would have personaly used the unlimited money glitch so you could add more things to the map and it needs more cove but good effort
yeah if you read the posts above yours you will see that I had NO knowledge of this "unlimited money glitch map."