I got ideas like 2 and 4.I have about 40 ideas.I was going to save them for my game but im going to build them on farcry.
Another Map Editor fact I found (that I don't think you mentioned) is the abilty to shrink the playing area with a "Warzone". If you go out of it you will get warned then die.
This looks pretty awesome, but it is totally different from forge. Forge allows you to make closed small maps with intense gameplay. While this allows you to have closed gameplay, you probably can't set items up the same way you can in forge. Don't take me wrong though. This totally kicks ass.
Yeah but custom edition takes a hell of a long time to make a good map, not nearly as simple and straight forward as this is.
I'm going to go with Blakem0n on this: PC editors are infinitely superior to any console editor. Sure, most console editors are easy and straightforward, but they have so many limitations on them. PC editors have the freedom to make any architecture that you can imagine, freedom to use whatever textures and models that you can find or make, and the only limits are engine limitations. This is one of the best console editors out there, though.
Well sure, a modeling program like 3DS Max or Maya, or a developer tool like TF2's Hammer, is going to surpass anything on a console editor wise. There is a lot more in the relm of creativity and possibilities on PC that can be done than there is on a console, but whose to say that Ubisoft won't pull something off like texture importing, or model importing for this map editor. I don't see why something like this couldn't happen, unless Microsoft has some crazy BS rule about it. Think about it. The same way we download maps on Halo 3 could be used to download textures and objects that were created on a computer. It all depends on the compatibility of Far Cry's editor and the whatever system Ubisoft is going to use to link the computer and Xbox together. For all we know, they could release a program that allows us to do this and remove compatibility issues. It's a stretch, but within reason for a game like this.
It's one hell of a stretch, alright. It seems like it'd be way too complicated for them to try. I wouldn't be surprised to see DLC for their editor, though.
When dose this game come out? lol It looks freaking awesome. I mean like amazing. That level editor is godly. I have so many ideas already.
Sadly Microsoft has a strict policy against user made content. So only Ubisoft could make this happen.
Nice matty, that is cool, and that first editor pic is kinda my idea! But, hey, they wont be exactly the same.
Ahaa. The new video confirms that Far Cry will have small pipes and blocks that can be used to create larger structures. Stepping into Forge's territory a bit, but I don't mind it at all. The Eiffel tower and the under construction building they showed in this video and others looked amazing and I had no clue it was made of thousands of smaller features. What's even better than that is that there's a clone feature. This game gets better and better as days go by.