[b]Sabre's Journey 2 [Final][/b]

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by SABRE88, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    Sabre's Journey 2 [Final]

    ===========SABRE'S JOURNEY 2==========

    The long awaited sequel to Sabre’s Journey is finally here!!! More twists, more turns, more surprises, MORE TERRIFYING!!!

    A Mancannon Spawns to push away the barriers if they've become stuck. It also gives the zombies a nice little boost ;)
    Many see through sections made from fence walls and fence boxes to create suspense. From this point in the map, you can see earlier portions, and see the zombies coming after you!!

    Everybody's favorite pallet section has returned, with a twist!!!
    Some new obstacles are a little tricky to get by!!
    Action shot!! Everyone's gonna die now!!
    Final room

    There are some new additions to SJ2 and some returning classics with a few twists, literally. There is a new zig zag pallet section, a new dumpster door, crawl spaces, and even a few surprises ;)

    ***All the “problems” there were in Sabre’s Journey have been addressed in SJ2. ***

    • The first barrier that the Alpha zombie breaks through used to get stuck and hold the alpha zombie back for too long, giving the humans an advantage. It was a nuisance and ruined some of the games. Now, after 30 seconds, if the barriers haven’t been moved by the zombies, a man cannon spawns to push them away, and give the zombie a boost to make up for lost time.
    • The teleporter that takes you into the map was always a problem because people would stand behind it and assassinate the zombies. Now there is a man cannon fixed behind a wall behind the teleporter, so no one can assassinate the zombie.
    • A big problem in Sabre’s Journey was the loooong walk for the zombies to get to the end, although, if you used my game settings, the custom power-up allowed you to get through it quickly. With SJ2, there are more barricades and obstacles, so the humans don’t get to the final holdout very often. The custom power-up comes in handy when the humans are halfway through the map. I have made obtaining the custom power up much easier. Inside the zombie spawn are two teleporters marked by signs A and B.Teleporter A takes you to a small enclosed room where there is a custom power-up; however, it is not accessible for the first 3 minutes of the game. After 3 minutes a man cannon will spawn that will launch you straight up into the power up and out a sender node. It respawns instantly, but no more than one person should go at a time, so that each person can get a custom power up. Teleporter B takes you to the final hallway, where a grav lift pushes you back until the humans get to the same point in the map and destroy it. This new feature in SJ2 allows the zombies to cut off the lengthy walk to the end of the map and get to the final room quicker.
    **** I have used every possible item on the map, and the final room is not plum full with weapons like the one in Sabre’s Journey, but there are plenty of guns. So far in all the test games, the humans have only made it to the final room 3 times, that’s out of about 15 games that are 6 rounds each. The complex tunnels and increased number of barriers and barricades make this map difficult to get through, especially in large parties, which makes for very fun and suspenseful gameplay; you never know when you’re going to make it through the map! ****


    ---This map is designed for Run 4 your life! an infection game type that has been tweaked specifically for the map and for more fun, I personally dislike any FAT KID game type, I much prefer mine, it is more fun (to me).---

    Special thanks to:
    Shadowvanish for the map testing and re-editing.
    Stubs26 for the helpful advice and constructive criticism.
    KSI BMX for being a POS and A DBAG.
    Born Perfect06 and GTA IV FR3AK for keeping me company lol

    Thanks to anyone and everyone who played SJ2 and tested it with me.
    And thanks to you for downloading and commenting my map!!!


    Here is a link to the original Sabre's Journey which has been fixed for better gameplay.

    Also heres a link to a lesser known Sabre's Safari a map a made soon after I made the first Sabre's Journey, but never released because I wasn't pleased with it, however, some people really liked it so now I am posting it and I hope you enjoy it too!
    #1 SABRE88, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2008
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    maybe some pics of the inside would be better, and did you make the first one.
  3. bloodsh3ad

    bloodsh3ad Ancient
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    looks pretty good. I'll DL. 4.5/5
  4. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I'm so glad you made this!
  5. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    It looks A little bit messy................:\ You won't get many Downloads for a Fat Kid Map,
    Not a lot of people here like fat Kid. I think its Ok, (Your Map) 3/5, Needs more Interlocking and like yesterday or was it 2 days ago, Some other Guy posted a map, And he called it "The Sequal To Sabres Journey." Its not very Original now, Is it?

  6. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    Yeah that guy that posted that hes's my friend, clutchnforever/born perfect 06, he hasn't been on Halo for me to talk to him, but I FIXED some problems and I wan't that thread to die.

    FOR THE 1,000,000th time this is NOT a FAT KID gametype although it can be played and works well with the map, I HATE FAT KID VARIANTS.

    There is more interlocking on this map than on any map you've ever freakin seen just go look at it for goodness sake, you can't assume something from screenshots. Besides, if Interlocking and geo-merging are what makes a map these days then that's absolutely ridiculous, just because its not the most beautiful doesn't mean it can't be fun.
    #6 SABRE88, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
  7. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Ok Then Sheesh........Calm Down like, Its just a map.
    You know what I mean?

  8. tuf jaho

    tuf jaho Ancient
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    well i dont really like to many journey games but this one looks pretty good. this map totally deserves 4.5/5!!!!!!lol.
  9. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    Ok I posted some inside pics for you and yes I made the first sabre's journey there's a link at the bottom of the post that takes you to a version I just made today, it fixes a few problems that the first one had. I added a teleporter for the zombies to get to the end faster. I added a grav lift behind the teleporter, and I moved the spawn points so people can't suicide and skip the beginning of the map.

    It's just a map to you, but not to the person who spent 10+ hours working on it. If people would read thoroughly through the post they would see that this is not a FAT KID map. I have created a gametype specifically for it.
  10. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    You where somehow saying to him that he must DL it, because there is more Interlocking on a map that you would ever see?
    He posted a comment about the map, not the gameplay.
    You also said that you can't assume anything from screenshots, that's another reply on his comment which was again, based on the map, not the gameplay.
    And if you don't care about screenshots you may aswell just leave ForgeHub.
  11. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    He posted a comment about the map before ever seeing it in game, he only saw it through screenshots. I didn't say he must download it because it has more interlocking than you'd ever see on any map, but it has a lot of interlocking, and he wouldn't know that from looking at the screenshots.

    I never said I didn't care about screenshots, where the heck did you pull that from?

    I don't quite understand your point though really.

    Senior Member

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    I posted the old version of this this is a revised one which has been fixed. The first version of SJ2 has over 500 dls in the first 5 days. And this is not a fat kid map get over it.

    Also everyone else whos making negative comments lets so you remake this map. Good Day, Good luck, Good Bye.
    #12 CLUTCHnFOREVER, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  13. Grey Benefit

    Grey Benefit Ancient
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    It's just a map to everyone. Ok, to you, it's just your map. But nonetheless. When he said it needs more interlocking I'm fairly sure he meant some of the areas look sloppy, despite being interlocked. Doesn't mean it's a bad map. Just means it's ugly.

    Maybe the reason people keep saying "it's a fat kid map" is because you say in you post "This map is designed for Run 4 your life! a FAT KID style infection game type"

    If your map is not something, don't allude to it being so in your post. Sheesh!

    That's what screenshots are for! If your screenshots are not providing a full look into your map, you have absolutely no right to tell someone that what they have seen and understood from your screenshots is wrong in such an unpleasant manner! He may be wrong, but in that case, your screenshots don't do the map justice. A lot of people on forge hub only look at the screenshots. If your screenshots don't represent your map well, you'll miss out on Downloads.

    I believe that's the final straw. Who is going to download this now, after a wanton show of arrogance. And just a little note here, a good number FH members could quite easily remake it. (Have you seen the awesomeness of the loyals maps? I mean, you must have at least looked, right?)

    Well now I just feel mean :(

    Oh! And another little nitpick: 10 hours is nothing
  14. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    That was a well though out well written attack. Thank you. You made a few relevant points.

    -Everyone knows it to be a fat kid map so I put that in the description to refresh peoples memory. But I guess people misread or misunderstood what I said, so thanks for pointing that out, I'll change it pronto!

    And FYI I have put more than 10 hours into this map if you include map testing, and re-testing, playing, forging, posting, and etc. But about 10-15 hours of actual "In Forge" time. So if that's not a lot of time to you or to whoever forges for longer than that then you can understand why not everything thats interlocked looks smooth or perfect. There still is a ton of interlocking, whether sloppy or not, on this map.

    I never said I was the best forger, after all I've been away from halo for the last 4 or 5 months. Geo-merging is a new technique to me, but its definitely something I will include in my newest maps. I'm sure many "professional" forgers could remake the map, or at least make their own version, and make it look great, but I think I could to, if I had the patience to.

    Oh and just so you know, you are mean :)
    #14 SABRE88, Aug 21, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2008
  15. Zurth

    Zurth Ancient
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    I don't like the sound of that O_O
    btw Downloaded :D
  16. basspro120

    basspro120 Ancient
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    donde esta la panaderia?
  17. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    You really won't like it once you're stuck under a barrel and can't get out lol!!! And the Zombie comes and kills you!! What a death lol!!
  18. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Hey sabre! Lovely map, don't let the interlocking ****'s get to you. Unless it's game changing, I'll still love a map with imperfect interlocking. Wish people wouldn't base an entire map's worth on whether you can hug a wall without a slight bump.

    Hopefully I can get a game going of it tonight.
  19. SABRE88

    SABRE88 Ancient
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    Awesome!! I hope you enjoy it, and you're right, I suppose I need to just disregard anything people say. You know if they didn't post their thoughts the thread would get pushed back into the forums, so in way, although they are annoying, they are helping me:) I recommend playing my gametype how it is, then changing the random secondary to a weapon of your preference, say rockets or splazers, to change the gameplay. When i get back may or may not re-make my gametype, I find it to be fun, but some people just don't like going slow, even if it is just a little slower. I think if all the zombies were as fast as the humans then the zombies would still complain!!! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!
  20. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Well, you should still listen to the input of people who post on your thread, they may have valid points like a hallway that too many people get caught on, or something. Just ignore the really nitpicky ones who don't offer constructive criticism.

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