Two Spartans walk up on each other... Blue guy: Wtf dude, watch your step! Red guy:What? Blue guy:You heard me, watch your ****ing step, and stop poking in my belly with that thing... Red guy: What do you mean? Oh this? It's just some hard tube of me, that I was surely going to use for my house... Blue guy: Your house? We don't even have ****ing houses, we ****ing spawn! Red guy: Yes, I know, but with my hard tubes, I'm going to make one! Blue guy:With some tubes? (Lol.) Red guy: That's right, and I maybe am going to do something else with these hard tubes... (Red guy touches blue guy's and slowly runs down...) Blue guy: (Slams red guy's hand of off him...) Red guy: Just let me, it will be very pleasant and it will be sensual... Blue guy: Omg, stay away from me! Red guy: Just let the feeling go away, biuld up all your strength and confidence. (Red guy's starting to undress.) Blue guy: Stop! Get that thing away from me! (Red guy has reached his underwear and pulls it down...) Blue guy: This is it, I am leaving, you are a gross man! Red guy: No, you're going to stay here and have fun. (Blue guy slams his hand of again and runs away, red guy isn't fast enough but still knows where blue guy is going to respawn.) The next night: Blue guy is very sleepy and suddenly he sees someone standing in the shade...) Blue guy: Mom? ''No, I have something for you, a nice and soft present...'' Red guy steps out of the shade and hits blue guy with a tube. Red guy: Now you are going to feel the sensual and pleasant feeling and hot body warmth that comes of off me. Next morning... Blue guy sees red guy and runs to him. Blue guy, hello there, what do you look hot today... Red guy: Oh my, you look too. (Blue guy and red guy are starting to undress.) And then... Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Slap slap slap slap slap! Flap flap flap flap flap! The end. I'm not gay. Lol.