Debate Marijuana...v2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Titmar, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I know I'm repeating myself, but I wish people would think more before equating the term "drug" with "illegal". The definition of "drug" from (source link) supports my point that, included in the term "drug", is any chemical substance which aims to change or alter the function or processes of a part of the body. This includes alcohol, cigarettes, and medication.

    I know that there is a more accurate term, by which I mean "illegal drugs", which is probably what you were getting at. But the fact that all these things, legal or illegal, medicinal or recreational, are technically drugs, is very telling of the point I'm making. Apart from the fact that weed is illegal, which we should really disregard in this argument since including it would make any argument circular (it should be illegal because its illegal etc.), how is it any more detrimental to society or morally worse than alcohol? I dislike it when people use the excuse of illegality to condemn a drug and go with the lines "it's illegal for a reason". If we have to protect people from themselves, then we should ban alcohol, cigarettes, and even things like cars, since people often act irresponsibly with them. This is basically an extreme nanny state, which removes people's obligation to take responsibility for themselves, something which I'd really hate to see.

    I'm not saying all drugs are good, or all are bad, but weed is pretty comparable to alcohol in many ways, and my personal view is that its results are much less disruptive to others than alcohol, so I say that both should be legal. If you don't agree with this then fair enough, but I can't see how anyone can agree that alcohol is fine but weed is somehow "bad", I'm a firm believer that this attitude stems from a cultural prejudice towards weed, and we only think that alcohol is OK today because its become such an established part of our society.
    #101 Pegasi, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2008
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    This I agree with, but surely on this basis you must agree that cigarettes should be illegal as well (I said on this basis before anyone launches at me, I know weed has effects way beyond nicotine, but I am just making a point).
  3. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Direct Source

    Basically, my point is, even though the smoke is bad for you, if you use a vaporizer, which is a beautiful piece of equipment for smoking, the smoke means nothing, because you get no smoke.

    Oh, and I've decided to start -repping such irritating posts.


    FURI CURI was banned
    #103 Tex, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  4. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Jesus, are you stupid or just ****ing ignorant?

    It's not just about having a good time.

    It's about it's medical capabilities as well.

    Back your **** up, or don't bother posting as well. Read previous posts before putting insight into this thread.

    Bloumbas likes this.
  5. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I think he means it shouldn't be used for recreational use. Medicinal use is fine because the patients would be(hopefully) in hospitals and away from public. A problem with that is users like to drive while under the influence of it because it calms them down. This one kid in my art class last year talked about it every day that he would go home and smoke weed then drive with his parents to get hours in. Obviously his parents didn't notice, but from previous surveys I wouldn't trust being on the road with someone who is high. I read online that 7% of accidents in 2003 were caused from people under the influence of marijuana. So you users can stay out of public entirely if you want to do it, because I don't want to be involved in an accident ._.
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Ok that deserves an infraction right there. You provided no facts or sources on why it is bad or why you shouldn't smoke it. All you gave is your personal opinion, which only goes so far.
  7. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I can't believe how many facts I've provided for you guys to completely ignore. I am going to quote every epicly long post I have made, and I would appreciate it if you would read them, then give me a legitimate, sourced, reply.

    @ You, read the ****ing post below me.

    QFT. The debate forums actually haven't failed good sir, it's just not as easy for some to notice how well some people have posted.

    I think you neglect to realize the importance of the war, which, is none...That is a different debate though. Though, using that as your starting point is rather flawed, considering, it is not the only good ****ing reason...The others, such as removal of thousands from penitentiaries, thousands of families being broken over something so minuscule, and even hundreds of less people committing suicide due to depression (Extreme example, but hell, you ****ing used a few aswell).

    Oh look, the extreme examples I just talked about...

    These are so outrageous, I question your views as a human being.

    Cocaine may be grown from a plant, but the effects it has on the human are much more drastic. You've probably never seen anyone snort a line, let alone, someone about to die due to ****ing heroin. Try to man that one up.

    Another positive of the legalization of marijuana, is the removal of the gateway drug as a whole.

    Here me out here:

    When you remove the dealer; the guy who is there to make money, on a consistent, or even more efficient basis; then you are removing the guy who is said "gateway." If people start to go to their local grocery store for marijuana, they are not going to find themselves with a needle in the arm on their way out.

    Again...You're just being silly.

    No. You understand something. Laws may be here to protect everyone, but they are also here to protect the government. You've probably never heard of a government conspiracy before, well, if you have, then you'll probably think what I'm about to say is one. Which, fyi, it's not.


    How convenient, before I went to list all the reasons why it is illegal...I went to get a source...and they have my list for me ^_^

    • Racism
    • Fear
    • Protection of Corporate Profits
    • Yellow Journalism
    • Ignorant, Incompetent, and/or Corrupt Legislators
    • Personal Career Advancement and Greed
    I doubt you will, but please take the time to read at least:

    The Mexican Connection in there, you'd be shocked.

    <3 Agreed to the fullest extent. +rep for your original post though, sources = high-five in my book. (GOOD SOURCES, NOT THE CHEAP ****, lawl) The only thing wrong with your posts, is that you're using the example of marijuana as a good pain reliever, which, yes it is...but there are many more reasons to legalize it besides that.


    lolololol <3 Bill Hicks.

    I think I'll end with a Bill Hicks video actually...Same one where he is quoted from Squiddy here. lawl...
    Now, he may be a comedian, but don't take that out of context, the man speaks a lot of truth.



    The article was written in 2002, now, that is not that far away, but it was also discluding a bit of information *cough*yellowjournalism*cough.*

    Here is what they said proves it is worse for you:


    Lower in the article:



    Funny, if you keep reading, they have some more interesting facts:

    Feed me your rebuttal please.[/quote]

  8. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    No one cares whether or not you smoke weed, dude. This thread is not "voice your corporate tool opinions on what your parents told you how to think about marijuana". This is a rational DEBATE on whether or not it should be legalized, and providing documentation to back up your responses. Please pay attention, as it can only help you later in life.
    #108 squidhands, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  9. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Kind of sad the non smokers are the ones who don't know what they are talking about and are probably the reason why we have this debate in the first place because of the things their school say. The only teacher I knew so far that knows anything about a debate like this is a history teacher for seniors.
  10. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. There's an obvious good reason to try weed- it gets you high. If you've never gotten high before, then it's kind of hard to explain to you what it's like- I suppose that for me it's a sort of pleasurable electricity flowing through my body and making me more philisophical- but let me assure you, it feels great. There is also a reason not to try it- it can impair your short-term memory and cause your grades to drop slightly (from what I've heard and experienced.) Personally, I think that the good greatly outweighs the bad here.
  11. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I have to disagree with you there. Some people can get a high off of a crime, or killing someone, but does that mean they should do it? I think what Rain meant was there is no natural human need to get high(corrected: if you have not tried drugs and are not addicted already), it's just something you want. So if nothing is forcing you to do drugs, why do them?
    #111 Norlinsky, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2008
  12. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    I suppose it's all about personal choice. If you want to get high, then that's your decision, and if you don't, that's also your decision- but you should make that decision while you are properly informed and not full of all of that D.A.R.E propaganda bullshit. Oh, and, (I think this has already been covered in this thread,) pot isn't physically addictive at all. It can be slightly mentally addictive, but the person with said addiction would have to be incredibly weak-minded to give in to it.
  13. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    What most people are having trouble with in this thread I feel is that,

    enjoying something and wanting to do it again isn't addiction.
  14. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Tex, I have to say that was one of the best posts here, thank you so much for getting this back on topic. I get frusterated when people say weeds bad, and thats it. i think weed should be legalized, for the same reason alchohol and ciggarettes are legal. Alchohol can destroy your liver, but of course it won't be illegalized, even though it causes many deaths. As does ciggarettes, weed, no matter what article you read, as never caused any medical deaths, such as long cancer, whicih is caused by cigarettes. Of course, with the legalization of weed, i believe many laws shoudl go along with it. There should be a certain rate, or high you can go past. At a certain point t should be illegal. I think it could be productive for some people, such as me, since i suffer from stress, and GAM, which is anxiety. Weed can mellow you out. And, One of the main reasons weed destroys families, is because people get in trouble witht he law, for selling, or possession, if it was legal, wouldn't less families be broken? So if i havent made it clear, i believe it should be legalized. I hope this post is some sort of help to you Tex, even though your busy with LMC2 at this time, I hope you get around to reading this.
  15. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    To put a limit to how high you can get would be like putting a limit on your Blood Alcohol Content.

    If you found a way to measure the content of marijuana (or the THC) in your blood it would only lead to abuse because of your bodies adaptation to the constant use of marijuana.

  16. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Vinny your right, but what i was trying to get at, is some type of limit, or some test, so that you cant be out in public, like how you cant be drunk in public, because if legalized with no laws, im afraid of all the people that would be out, high as a kite, doing stupid ****.
  17. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    Actually- I just thought of this- there is a possible problem that could arise if weed was legalized. Wouldn't the big tobacco industries buy into weed and put nicotine in it and all that other bad stuff? I mean, sure, people could still home-grow it, but how many people do you know that home-grow their tobacco? It would probably become very difficult to find pure, unaltered marijuana plants.

    EDIT: I am not against legalization- I'm for it- I am just pointing out a possible problem.
    #117 EZappa, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2008
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  18. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    dont by from the tobacco industries? its not that difficult, dont they have some sort of ingrediant list?
  19. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Yes thats true. But if you had medical marijuana tobacco companies won't be able to alter it in their favor.

    But if it did become a big time thing, all you would have to do is get rid of the "middle man" and buy directly from the source which if marijuana did become legal would be accessible from the internet such as tobacco products already being sold on the internet.

    So in a sense, yes tobacco companies would try to profit off of marijuana, but if you buy directly from the source or grow (which would also become easier, buy the seeds from somewhere that will sell them, even though this may be hard at first and fairly pricey [think about it, if a dealer sells the seed he basically just told you to eliminate him] it will save you big bucks in the end) than you wouldn't have to deal with the problem of nicotine or altered marijuana.
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  20. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    thanks vinny, thats basically what i wanted to say, your just a smarter guy then i, i sappose.

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