sure ezekeil you can make a thread... I'm not sure I get it though. Like, are you making, a "HOw to win MattDGiant's Pre-DLC competition thread?"
no it wasn't going to be like that more like ezekeil20five17 forging tips for pre dlc just some little things that will help. my GT is the same is you{and the other judges} want to fr me.We are going to do other maps i assume
What do you mean other maps? For Pre-DLC 2 there will be a different map choice, as well as a different theme, if that is what you are wondering...
now that we have the judges do you want to get a party together and play the maps or should we do it sperately?i think it would be better if we play together
Due to problems with myself and a few other judges,judging will be separate. It will all be explained later. Don't worry about it for now.
Are we allowed to make are map workable for all gametypes, will you be judging other gametypes if they are set up for the map?
Turbo, maps in This Week's Pre-DLC Contest have ben themed- Team Slayer. Therefore, only team slayer will be jduged on. However, If you do add other gametypes, I'll check them out for kicks, they just won't be judged on.
When you see it you'll be like: "Heyyyy!" It's just cleverness, and it is acutally useful in gameplay.
Well Turbo, I am delighted to judge your map. Can't wait for your post. Anyone else gonna post a map anytime soon? The cutoff is sunday, remember.
Ahhhhh, ive recently done a map testing sesh on me map with my mates but we've agreed that: 1. Its immpossible to seperate the beach from the rest of the map without using tonnes of items - (which I need elsewhere) 2. Aint all that original So im going to have to drop out of this one for now. However, I do have a great idea for an objective game on Last Resort which is 100% possible with no fail. So if an objective based comp was next on Last Resort I will submit a map for it. Again, sorry for having to drop out
AWWWWW. My only real fear about this contest is a lack of entries. Still, HPssauce, if you thiink about it, there are plenty more places that you could do a Team Slayer map on Last Resort. And that would be more original than just using the beach like everybody else. Also, I can tell you now that the same map won't be picked twice in a row for this contest, it will be a different DLC Map. Just make your objective map anyway, I'm curios to see what it is as it sounds really cool.