Dude, if your going to bash family guy, don't use the same arguement that South Park makes. Family Guy is just ****ing hilarious. that is why I like it.
1.megas xlr, i loved it, the plymouth barricuda as a head was awsome 2.ren and stimpy, it was so stupid it was funny, idiots lol 3.rugrats, babys getting into funny situations, genius lol
As far as i'm concerned, Rocko's Modern Life easily beats South Park and Family Guy. Lets not even talk about the Boondocks and racism. K? It's cartoons guys. Nothing to ***** and bicker about.
1 Family guy 2 south park 3 boondocks I used to watch a show called zoids, just 2 series of it the rest was boring like all other anime.
Wow you could fill this out for me 1-Avatar the Last Airbender 2-Tom and Jerry lol Loved it when i was young 3- not sure..
and i wasnt "bashing" Family Guy. Ive been watching that show since the moment it aired. Half of these kids couldnt ****ing remember that day, so dont come bitching at me. This is an opinion thread, and he came in trashing on my opinion, and further implying that i am ignorant for liking it. Correct me if im wrong, but calling me ignorant is an insult. I am not going to be insulted for liking a tv show. **** him. and you for crawling up my ass.
how bout u both act like grown-ups and forget about it, jesus, do u no how stupid you seem arguing about cartoons.
learn how to spell and shut the **** up. i didnt ask for your opinion on the matter. I was insulted, im correcting that. thats the ****ing problem with the world today. Anyone is welcome to put down others for liking something, and everyones cool with that.
what do you mean learn how to spell, i can, and see what i mean about being childish, i tried to stop the arguing and you throw it right back in my face, as far as im concerned murdock sampson is right and you are ignorant.
1. Simpsons 2. Spongebob 3. Tom and Jerry Thats right tom and jerry =] When i was young everytime it was on i would watch it .. Watching it now its a load of crap
1. Family Guy- possibly the funniest show on Earth 2. South Park- **** jokes FTW 3. ATHF- because you just can't beat floating, evil french fries
1) Angry Beavers. Best cartoon ever. Period. 2) If like the Simpsons counts 3) Still Angry Beavers A lot of new cartoons were sucking for the past few years, but some of the new cartoon network shows are a bit more funny. I hated shows like: Camp Lazlo, that gay one with the squirrel, and more that I can't think of. EDIT: never liked Tom and Jerry. Just senseless and cliched (yeah I like that word) violence. Got old after a while too.