lol ok, i just started the map yesterday, and im nearly finished. hopefully ill be done by tommorrow.
Ah, Mallet. What's with the sneakyness? Trying to go under the radar with Silver. I downloaded it earlier today, And I will admit, it is pretty awesome. It has a pretty cool layout, i like the curved single boxes, and theres no way to get out of map. I was trying to look for stuff to improve on, but it's prety clean.
Silver!? I thought blue was fine. oh ****. that means you think silver is better and want people to know about it.
D= Not much time left... my map is technically done, but I am getting it perfect I am going to stomp on "Blue" Mallet =D *over confidence, will lead to my fail D=*
I finally posted one.... i'm hoping it is at least worth the time I put into it. Some odd corners can catch you if your not careful. It took almost as much time to build the map as it did to post it... Stupid linking system.
haha mallet, tha would be wicked funny. Idk you never gave fair warning like watch out, the winners here or anything. Thats what you did with Blue ahha. i just thought of something, The winner things for LMC2 like those tags, are they sigs? Because when i win they're gonna look impressive next to my other maps, maybe grab some attention eh?
2 hours and 17 minutes til the deadline. Quickly work on it people, that will be when I lock the thread.
D= ima trying Thanks for posting the time though, had no idea when this was over and I'd be **** outa luck =/
Well, I just added all the spawns to the gametypes, so ima run through, check how it all works out, and then submit it just in time =D BTW, which gametypes do you test maps on?
i see there were only 3 full pages poasted right? so whats that like 20 something maps? victory gauranteed i think i have a decent chance at something.
Those are very good maps it proves that good maps dont always need geo-merging, floating & interlocking.
your right, silver is amazing, along with linubidix's map, but floating objects is allowed, but I agree with you, even though i would rather use interlocking, simply because tis cleaner. EDIT- oh and Tex If your not too busy grading,... Edit again- stupid question
When I helped judge the last one, we mainly did the basic gametypes. Nothing Fancy, not much of infection or something like that because the maps had to have been made for competitve gameplay. So just mainly default settings for TS, CTF etc.