Debate Should Children Be Playing Halo 3?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    I dont think that parents realize when they let there 10 year old kids play halo on live how bad it is. live period is bad for kids. when they play they get exposed to swearing, **** talking, possibly nudity, (such as the stuff people make on forge), and disrespect. Once younger kids become aware of this they start **** talking there teachers, freinds and possibly disrespecting there parents. I think halo is fine, but with live it becomes a diffrent matter. even if you limit you kids voice (mic no mike etc.) they still can see images and such that people make. I guess it really depends on the game.
  2. xTheGrimPeeperx

    xTheGrimPeeperx Ancient
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    It depends on the game. Personally, Halo 3 to me has no extreme gore or even a lot of blood at all. All it has to even be remotely close to being rated Mature is because they occasionally swear every now and then.

    In multiplayer it is a completely different story. Kids that I've seen as young as 9 swearing at people because they lost. They do get annoying, but not beyond the point where they shouldn't be allowed to play Halo 3 altogether.

    I am considered a "kid" myself as I am 13, but I don't scream and shout like some other people I've seen. The kids I see are sometimes older than me and they have more high pitched vices than I. I wouldn't know what I'd do if I couldn't play Halo because it pretty much is my love and passion and I will never want to depart from it.

    i still can haz hal0 pl0x?
    KB and a pmp nmd slkbk like this.
  3. DxHydra

    DxHydra Ancient
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    they should not be able to get mature games but if there parents let them they should not be able to use mics!
    its not there skill(ive lost to a 7 year old in halo once)its there voices that drive use insane!
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    The part of this debate that fails is the fact that the youngest kids will come on here, say that they should be allowed to play, but not anyone younger. I see this repeating itself and it really bothers me. This creates an impossible barrier that we cannot cross to be able to agree on an age limit. Maybe this is why they create the ratings, so that whoever falls beneath it can make the decision for themselves.
  5. xTheGrimPeeperx

    xTheGrimPeeperx Ancient
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    The thing is not all kids that are my age are blabbering dumbasses who don't have any sense at all. Why should everyone get punished when there are some who are actually mature enough to be able to function in XBL without pissing off everyone around them.
  6. viprikr

    viprikr Ancient
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    kids are annoying and nooby at halo 3 but i would say that kids are okay to play halo 3 because they could be a marine in the future
  7. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Most retarded argument so far.

    As for my opinion, I think that really it's up to the parents to decide if they're child is mature enough to handle the game, and if that's something that won't negatively affect they're child. The argument could be made that not all parents know what's right for their child, but for the most part they are the person who knows best for that kid.

    For the violence factor, I really believe that unless you're already messed up to some extent, violence in movies and video games can't screw up your brain. I guess some kids could learn it, but really that's not that big of a problem. Since that's not that big of a problem.
  8. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
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    i hate kids THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALOUD!
  9. xTheGrimPeeperx

    xTheGrimPeeperx Ancient
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    Really? What is your reasoning behind this? Just because some kids are loud and annoying, which they probably don't even know they are being annoying, doesn't mean all of them shouldn't be able to play.
  10. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Now I haven't read all eleven pages of this thread, so forgive me for repeating something that has probably been said before, but ESRB is a joke. If it were to be made that the ratings were not just guidelines, but something recognizable as movie ratings are, then it would be a perfectly acceptable system.

    This ultimately stems back to the whole debate over whether or not video games are art. In my opinion video games are art, but that is not the view of most parents or older adults. They see games as a form of entertainment, barely caring that they might be buying something that would almost be on par with getting their child to watch a Saw movie, but without the suspense.

    Personally I think that any game with guns or knives, or that involves killing/maiming people should default to an M rating, but that it should be enforced somehow.

    And as for children on XBL. If they are under 14, no. Just no. Not because they are necessarily loud, or necessarily annoying, or necessarily anything. They shouldn't be allowed because of the influence they get from other online players.
    You could say that they should not be allowed on with a mic, and that all players should be muted, or something along those lines, but I feel that that would detract from the whole point of XBL.

    I have more thoughts, but i gotta go eat tea. Basically - Children (imho, under14) + Halo3 = no
  11. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Huh? That's funny... I could've sworn I posted in this thread... Oh well. I'll try and redo my post that I had for it.

    I think it's funny that it was parents who basically forced this rating system, and yet, they still end up buying thier kids M games.

    If the kid is mature enough, then I think it'd be ok for that kid to play, even online. But if they aren't then no, I don't think they should. A lot of the ones I've played with aren't mature. But there's a lot of immature people on live. So in the end it doesn't really matter. Because in the end, the immature kids just complain until they get what they want, most of the time anyways.
    #111 Nobody Worthy, Aug 22, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008
  12. yamato25

    yamato25 Ancient
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    Well, even though Halo 3 IS rated M. I still play, and I'm only 13. But I don't whine or complain or anything. For example, my little sister who forces me to let her play cuz she blackmails me, she whines and screams over and over. So what I think is that if a teenager or kid with enough intelligence would not scream like a little pig just because they're a sore loser. Any one want to add on to this? And also I agree with Vorpal Spirit.
  13. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    It's actually Vorpal Saint. But nice try. Anyways, what you said basically just further backs up my post. In the end there is no just way of stopping little kids from playing M rated games.
  14. PhantomBishop

    PhantomBishop Ancient
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    if an immature kid gets to annoying, just mute them.

    one other thing that i forgot to mention is that i'm only 13, but i have been playing halo since the first day halo ce came out. i just think that it is up to the parents.
    #114 PhantomBishop, Aug 28, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2008
  15. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Aha. Perfect. This has bugged me SO much ever since Xbox live appeared in my home. Whenever you get onto Matchmaking, you probably go ahead and mute every player there just in case (and this is true pretty much ALWAYS now) every single one of them are screaming insanely with their mics literally in their mouths "VETO THIS CRAP." Holy ****. This is the reason I NEVER play ANY matchmaking. Tex, your right, no on under 17 should play this. It is violent (extremely, even), depicting fileds of slaughter and your helping in that part. Now, their parents definitely have a right to choose if they play it or not, but seriously. HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE, PARENTS. Your six to twelve year old is killing! This has to stop. Now most of you are reading this and saying, jeez, skittles it is only a game. It is, but it gets people into doing things. I know for an absolute fact.

    This game is teaching your children some very bad things. Most of all to think swearing is suddenly allowed for them. No it is not. I myself shuld even swear, being sixteen, and no one else should. It is vulgar and offensive. Your child is now yelling "**** THIS **** VETO, BITCHES!" whenever you aren't around.

    AND THEY ARE ****ING ANNOYING AS ****. Seriously, do not yell. Instead how about stick a ****ing **** down your throat and let people do what they want. Dont tell people what to do, who the **** do you think you are? They pick what they want, so shut your nine-year old ****ing trap and go wait for your balls to drop.

    Seriosuly, no one under at LEAST thirteen should be playing this game. Even forging. That is still inpredictable, being as how someone can come in and mess you up and be like "**** you" and run off. Thus teaching you that sae word like stated before. And I dont care if your mom or dad lets you, or you hear this or that word all the time or you parents dont care if you swear or you arent annoying, your just high-pitched voice blah blah blah SHUT THE **** UP! You are not supposed to be playing this. OK? Undertsnad? Learn something or go do something active for yourself. ****, NONE of us should be playing.

    But my opinion has been set forth, and hopefully noted. Thank you for reading and have a good life.
  16. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    My opinion is that parents should feel a responsibility to restrict them from playng until they are mature enough. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be playing until you are above eighteen, but parents should decide when the child is old enough to be unaffected by the violence and online gameplay.
    When I was ten or eleven, my parents took away Starcraft because somebody said '****' in an online game. By that time I knew that language perfectly well and I had the maturity to use it appropriately. I talked to them and they agreed eventually, and I continued to play. On the other hand, if I hadn't known to use the language well, hopefully they would have kept it away and prevented me from going into lobbies and yelling curses in capitals to everyone.

    I'm only fifteen now and I'm much less annoying than anyone else I know on XBL- you can't restrict a game by an age limit and expect it to work for everyone. Maybe most people will find that a good age, but the people closest to the child should decide.
    Then, there's the other problem: When should the kid get to decide for themselves? My answer to this is as soon as they enter high school. Once somebody is in high school they most likely watch R rated movies just as often as anyone else- and really, what's so bad in a game that isn't also in a movi. By that age everyone has hit maturity and can be responsible for themselves.
  17. Xicemike

    Xicemike Ancient
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    In My Opinion Mature People Should Be Allowed to Play Online. But the Facts are that Children Under Aren't Ready to Be Exposed to a Community Such as Halo 3, because of the Online Members and there Influence on them, such as Swearing, Cursing,Disruptive Noises, Over Aggressive Players and Taunting like Tea bagging and such.
  18. The NilZ

    The NilZ Ancient
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    Not even a question! I hate hearing little kids crying about how much of a noob I am when I am the only one with more than five kills! Even when these young kids get more kills then I do, it will only be from the Rocket Launcher! As of content Halo 3 is a very mild M game, although my view of mild has changed after bioshock, condemned, GTA 4, Unreal 3, and many other games!
  19. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    Halo is rated Mature because there is the act of killing in it, which is a very good reason for it being rated this way. Kids should not play Halo. My kids will not play Halo until they are old enough to know that a game is just a game, and old enough to not be scared of crazy things like the Flood. However, I will encourage my children to play old Final Fantasy games and the like (the ones before the voice acting), because it encourages thought, builds reading skills, and develops strategy. This is why I've kept my old PS1 around :D
  20. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    I don't believe halo should be m for violence, its not even proven that violent video games cause kids to be violent (how many gta4 players have ever stolen a car like 0.0001%) however the people that play halo do leave a bad influance. That is why xbox has the different zones eg hardcore, pro, family or whatever. I think kids should be able to play halo if a kid is anoying you can just mute them. If a kid made a dumb map you can just leave the party.

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