Very true. Also, the 'elite' forgers are the ones who are also able to design good maps in the first place, they just can also make it clean. Exactly. Although Foundry will not be used nearly as much, as I said before, I doubt Bungie would make forge or Foundry obsolete.
OMG I'm spazzing out! No JK but this is pretty cool. The new forge editor (if its good) can make H3 the most popular game in the world. I would like to see a weathering system in it too. This means making it night or raining or snowing. Thanks for posting this I will reread Bungie's weekly update.
EXCELLENT FIND! Sorry I could'nt help my self from using caps lock. I mean holy crap this is awesome, if it is true.
This is so amazing placing out buildings, editing the landscape, and placing out characters like brutes, this is what we all have been asking for. THE GREATEST MAP EVER!!
I got really confused when he said something about Halo Blue... Is that going to be an expansion pack? A new game? I don't get it...
Everyone, quote me on this. Please. There will not be a new map editor, or the ability to add AI to maps. The bots in the video were placed there by bungie using code from the game. That 'New Map Editor' is just a grid they are using to create new DLC. A 'New map editor' would require a MASSIVE update, that would eat half your hard drive. So much backwards coding would have to be done, it's not even funny. Think of all the times bungie has let you down before. I don't see why when we see a blue grid, we automatically assume 'Map Editor' If my above statement is proven wrong later, feel free to flame me.
I was just reading on halo.wikia .com about the Double Ex Weekend (Melee) and if you look at the list to the left they mention The Honor guards Staff. Maybe in the new map they will have NEW WEAPONS!
I expect a large scale map editor with some new objects and a much larger budget. Anything else is just gravy.
*Foams at the mouth* It would be great. Although, if Forgehub is about having the skills and creativity to make new maps, wouldn't some of the skill be taken out if they made this editor? Sure it would open up possibilities to other players who are solely creative, but where would the skill go? I know I would like to have this editor, but making maps would have to include more creativity than skill after this releases. Truthfully, I don't mind it if it's easier to make maps, but I always hear people complain about if it happens that the skill would be taken away. I think it's just another thing that some people would complain about because people like to do that...
Especially with the upcoming releases of games with some insane map editors for the console (like Far Cry 2), Bungie would be very foolish not to be attempting something like this to keep the interest in Halo going strong.
I don't think they are making a new map editor at all. What they were trying to leak was a map just like any other map on halo 3 that is simply large, and has a grid. Map editor would work the same way but in the scenary list there would be something like "Grass" or "Sand" and instead of boxes in the scenary list there would be whole buildings. To sum up my hypothesis it would be the same old map editor, but a newer better foundry with newer better scenary.
I'm quoting, lol. Although I do doubt the ability to add AIs, I don't think it would really be that hard to do. I was discussing the possibility with my friend that the editor is another program, similar to an arcade game, that has the ability to export created maps to Halo 3. But what do I know? Absolutely nothing about programming and coding thats for sure. We can hope though!