Is it just me or does it seem like if this map editor thing is true, all other forge creations will be rendered pointless, bad and worthless. This is why I have my doubts about a major change to forge, cause I doubt bungie would do something that makes all the work of people like us just be uneeded. What do you think? Oh and if anybody can provide me with legit sources about this, please do, i still dont believe it. Legit meaning direct bungie link or proven bungie quote
The addition of foundry killed the interest in maps made on the original maps. I see no reason why it would be any different now.
I think that it will render most old creations obsolete, but there will still be older maps we play on. Anyway, the new map editor could completely suck too. You never know.
I don't know if it is an editor or if you can have ai in your maps.If you can i think bungie would make it more of an addition than a totally new way.As for Foundry it is by far the easiest map to forge on but i am really bored with the colours{or lack off} and being inside.I would like larger outdoor foundry type map. In other news check out my sig for a pre dlc forging competition so there is some interest in non foundry maps
There will still be hard core forgers however I think most of the crowd will shift to the new forge because Bungie always comes up with better toys for us to play with
I would honestly like to know where this rumor came from, but my opinion is also something I would like to give. If this "editor" is a true thing, then yeah, it may totally destroy maps from a previous forging time.In fact, this very website might become lonely. But you never know what Bungie will throw at us. They may make it AI only, they may just be joking, it could have extreme limitations. If so, then thats fine. It would just lead back to Foundry and possibly this new Foundry. I myself would love a map editor, but if it turns out stupid, then no matter. We have foundry!
The problem I see with this is it looks like a map maker not a map editor. So once you have built a map can you do all that you normally can with say foundry? would you want to? and does it seem like you gain AI controlled characters now?
they will probaly make a new halo 3 like they did with halo on with HALO CE (custom edition) or in this case maybe halo 3 ce but if so that would kinda supporting modding so an answer to your question is probaly no . (but i hope so becasue i love moding halo one!)
I think there will be plenty of old maps that people will still want to play. I'm just curious if people will make remakes of their old forge creations on this new forge map.