With more games coming out with more and more abilities for map editors, forging will soon be outdated by modern map eds such as far cry 2's map editor. See below link* IGN Video: Far Cry 2 Xbox 360 Developer Commentary - The Map Editor So, what is forge hub going to do in terms of possibly including other game eds such as Far Cry and Time Splitters 4? Theres no doubt that as soon as forgers find these eds that they'll be immediatly converted over night by the sheer range and flexibility of these modern eds so question is.. where does that leave halo and forgehub in general Some will say "oh, the new editor for halo will come out and rule again" but this simply isn't the case as the demonstations like the one above just show the hill that bungie has to climb in order to get anything like it and personally i dont want to see most of my storage of my 360 put towards a MASSIVE halo update. So what does everyone think....
The main thing Halo & Forge has going for it is that it is Halo. Pure and simple, IMO. Farcry 1 has a vastly superior map making system but the gameplay in that sucks **** when compared to Halo.
multiplayer is more of a question mark at the minute but im just talking about map editors for now. Theres no doubt that far cry's is gonig to be vastly more superior to anything bungie will create and watching the 2 documentaries on IGN about the map editor i already cant wait to start thinking of ideas. Finally, a map where making Headlong (our most beloved of 1 flag, 1 bomb games) is actually possible to re-create.
HOLD THE **** ON PEOPLE!!! WHEN THE HELL DID THEY EVEN HINT AT A NEW TIMESPLITTERS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ZOMFG those games are epic... onto the comment about what will happen to forgehub, well, whop knows we could be like one of those English die hard football fans and stick to one team (game) for our short life, or we can just be like that American dude who knows nothing about the sport and roots for whoever may be winning at the times. BUT SRSLY PEOPLE TIME-****ING-SPLITTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I stick to ForgeHub because of the community, not for the maps. **** Halo 3, FH is about being social.. via the internet... Gawd I need a life.
Splits has been anounced for ages. Seen a preview in my mates gaming mags and im sure there are some to find on the internet. The games still cartonnish but it looks a bit more realistic now. As for time splitters map ed - they would be fools to get a rid of it since it was in no3. oh, one problem that concerns me is that timesplitters 4 will be run on HAZE's free radical engine - (and we all saw what a good game HAZE turned out to be - AI was fantastic- NOT!) Theres the Time Splits 4 teaser : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09S-i0r1IBc
Exactly. The gameplay in Halo is what makes the game, and it makes Forge so worthwhile. It may be more limited, but the variety of gameplay experiences you can create in such a simple system, and the importance of fine tuning of every single object is what makes Forge so cool, despite its arguable restrictive nature in other ways. Furthermore, Forge still has alot of things going for it that the Farcry editor will never be able to equal, again due to the fantastically detailed gameplay. Every single object you place in forge matters, even a simple crate's presence and positioning can negatively or positively influence a map in some way. The small details like size, height, spacing are big factors in Halo maps, and this makes Forge my favourite editing system as well as making Halo by far my favourite game. You may not have editing on the scale of Farcry, or in the way that it is more commonly appreciated in video games, but Forge, but you can do more with a well placed wall than I have ever seen in any in-game editor, especially an FPS. Alongside the apparent upgrades to Forge (or its replacement, however it turns out), I think that Halo map making is in no danger of becoming overshadowed. Just look at MLG and how readily they have utilised Forge in their system and tournaments. This is testament to how much Forge has going for it, despite it not being what people are used to in an editor due to a lack of common features like geoforming. The Farcry editor is much more akin to the RTS style editors that we all know and love, standard map making features which enable you to craft an entire environment from visuals to landscape. But Halo just isn't as suited to this system. The ability to place various pre-built buildings and structures is definitely a plus in creating expansive environments, but the structural options that the Farcry editor offers would be far too restrictive for Halo. Imagine running around a Farcry map in Halo, a large open area with a few, repetitive structures offering minimal tactical cover/push options. It just wouldn't work. One thing I would say is an echo of Iv0rY's comments on TS4. I hadn't heard about it either, and never played 3. But I loved the editor on 2 much more than I loved the game. It was fun, don't get me wrong, but it was just more repetitive and dull compared to Halo gameplay. The editor was great fun though, even though the lock to grid system was a little restrictive and gave kinda blocky results compared to forge, it was really entertaining and satisfying to use, especially considering that it was console based. Even if I never got into the game itself, I'd be really interesting in map making for TS4. Basically, think about it like this: Take your favourite Forge map, made by anyone, and ask yourself if it could be made on any other editor, could any other editor even come close. No. And with the upcoming massive changes to Halo map editing, we can only wait and see what happens, but I see big things for FH.
I think that forgehub should expand with new map editors. Maybe make new forum boards for Far Cry 2, or Timesplitters 4. It would be short-sighted of us not to.
It's not like Forgehub can't expand to cover other games. Edit: Damn, Grunge posted one second before me.
Wow, I wasn't interested in Far Cry at all, but now, I want to get it. The graphics look pretty amazing, and you can pull that off with a huge canvas size. Amazing. However, their map editor is WAY different. Halo is, like linu said, simple, but at the same time complex. Look at what forge started as before DLC, and look what it turned into. Look at all the possibilities we have in Forge and custom game types combined. We have interlocking, and geo-merging, the ability to make unique structures, and make full use out of objects. However, in Far Cry, you won't have interlocking. It will all be about creating a balanced map, using default objects together in a away to create something unique and new.
Far Cry 2 has four gamethypes, Halo has about 20 that come with the game and you can make your own gametypes (forge hub was founded on mini-games) so while you may have more tools you don't necessarily have the same creativity options, plus what if far cry 2's 4 multiplayer modes suck? (the other far cry console game had a great map editor but the multiplayer was the biggest piece of **** I've ever played) Don't get me wrong I'm real excited for far cry 2 and all, but god map editors have been around on the pc a long time (this is really only revolutionary for consoles) and if you haven't seen it yet the new halo 3 map editor (or what everyone is assuming to be one is looking pretty impressive which you can factor in with all the custom game options and you get something just as cool as what FC2 assuming bungie delivers a real map maker. Imagine full-fledged maps designed around a gametype, like the ultimate conquest or SWAT map or even a whole new gametype designed completely around a unique style of map. That to me is just awesome, and I can't wait for it to happen. Of course the h3 map maker could suck, but if it was powerful enough for someone to fully remake an h1 or h2 map it would be ****ing amazing.
yup, couldn't agree more. I cant say im a 'hardcore forge hub fan' or anything but this group has opened up the possibilites for easy to use desplaying and gaming of original maps created by unique members. Were forgehub to move onto other games, the turn out would be amazing beyond belief. All the time now I hear - "well if it aint on forgehub, I aint downloading" which just goes to prove that this site is the place to be for 'pro' FPS map creators.
as long as you can take screenshots or gamevee video{or something similar} i see no reason why we could'nt have a far cry sub forum as this is the best place for user generated maps i'm sure given the blank canvas that is far cry people would come up with some amazing maps.However it will not replace the forge because as people have said i highly doubt that the multiplayer will come close to the epic nature of halo
Really, the Halo Forge has always been outdated, Unreal had an editor before Halo even existed. The only reason why forge is popular at all, is that it is the only way you can "make" maps in Halo 3, an overhyped, overpopular game.
Is there anything that you type that I don't agree with? I will be trying out Farcry for its map creating possibilities, and if its gameplay is improved from the last game I may stick to it for a while. In the end I'll come back to Halo for its gameplay.
You can barely even call Forge a map editor. Far Cry's system is a map maker. You don't just spawn objects.
Halo 3 is a map editor, nothing more. I think part of the reason it's liked by some people is the actual feeling of holding the objects, and stacking together, feels a lot like putting together building blocks.
Exactly. I consider it to be just an object spawner. What more can you do? Edit player spawns? Have you even tried a map maker? Of course someone could make a map like someone favorite forge map. They could probably make it ten times better. You give Forge too much credit.
No doubt forgehub should support new map editors, but as stated by pegasi, halo 3 forge will never be overshadowed until something that is almost exactly the same comes out. Halo 3 is a different kind of game. You have mini games in halo 3, infection, and whatnot. Unlike farcry, halo 3 is like a 3d chat room. Or like a virtual school gym. You can do anything in halo; you don't have to play it the way it was meant to be played. The question I like to ask people when I see a new map editor is "would you be able to remake____" and put ANY map name in. With halo 3, you can say yes to basically anything as long as you have enough space and objects. Farcry has premade material, so it's not the same. I am hoping for a true map editor, that you can actually make the walls, make the trees, and make all the scenery. Without ANY premade objects.