What the subject says, I am in need of someone who is very good at Geo locking and will listen to what I want done, also provide me with ideas on what should go where... If your interested PM me on here or send me a msg on Live, my GT is: KingxCloud74
Why the **** would you post this if you don't fill the requirements? He doesn't really care about your forging skills, he wants a good geometry merger dumbass.
Yes, I use the door method, but i suggest we bring our conversation elsewhere, as we are clouding up this guys thread.
wow... I like how a simple ad went to a discussion about how Gamer cant Geo-lock well...when he obviously knows he cant.. anyway, what I want the good geo locker to do is simple, stuff they do normally.. its not like im asking someone to geo lock a giant structure into the roof of foundry.. I would just like them to be there while I'm making maps.. and of course you will get partner credit, in the FH post..
I couldhelp out now and then, but im working on 1 colaberated map already, deffinately a second, when my parner gets his xbox back, and possibly a third. and im working on 2 solo maps s well. if you realy need help, I feel im really good at geo-,merging, so you could probably send me a message on xbox live, IDK if i could be there the whle time, but i could be of some help. GT=Bloumbas
well I dont really need you to be there the whole time, I like forging by myself...just som1 who could pop in , geo lock what i want them too, then leave... and like I said.. you will get credit for the geo-locking, you can ask my friends I DO NOT make maps with other people.. unless they have a good idea and can geo lock... Interlocking, etc.. I do myself..
okay ill help you out then, i already told you i dont have time for a collaberated map, and thats not what you want, and i like to help out, so if you want to send me a message. i can honestly say im pretty good at geomerging, since i do every object touching the ground.
kk, send me a FR on Live and I'll send ya an inv when I am working on the parts i need geo locking done
I'd like to help, but I'm coming back to Live about a week, so you've probably already finished the map. But yeah, I'm reletively good at Geo Merging.