Wow these past two years have been amazing for video gaming. So now we got: Bioshock, Halo 3, CoD4, Devil May Cry 4, Mass Effect, Haven't played MGS4 but looks sweet, and now this fall Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero 4, and Far Cry 2. Somebody pinch me.
Halo Wars and Fable 2. But lets stay on topic here shall we? OMGGGGG How many cars on that train in the editor video! I swear i saw a Hummer - What if we can set the colour?!!?!?!
this looks like the most amazing game yet.. thanks for putting this together matty.. i love it.. have they given a release date yet?
The map editor is amazing now and it will be more amazing with all the new stuff there adding.After all these games come out halo is going to be out of business...
this looks amazing ive been looking for inspiration, and i would love to make all these things that look and feel awesome in a game, and while im pullin for a new foundry or a halo game with better and more sophisticated forge tools, this far cry map editor looks so much more sophisticated. were those pictures made in the editor?
Everybody buy this game. this is forgehub; dedicated to map editing this game is the new god of map editing SCREW THE BIG BLACK FORGE CANVAS, I CAN MAKE A MOUNTAIN!!!
Remind me again when this is coming out so I can go see if I can reserve it. I really want this game, more than BF: Bad Company.
the editor looks AMAZING the old one had a similar thing and that was a lot of fun.The gameplay also looks very interesting it seems to have a lot of choice.I hope you can take screenshots or gamevee videos of your map the first thing i am going to do is a blood gultch remake i miss that map and ascension I don't think this will replace forge because i very much doubt that the multiplayer is going to come close to halo NEEDS MORE INTERLOCKING! and thanks for putting this toghther