Gamevee Link My friend has a sideways elephant stuffed. He walks a decent distant away to not get killed by the elephant when flipped, and when he flipped it a box flies at him sending him out of the map. Home run! What do you think?
HAHAHA! pabub is the sound it makes! thats awesome, lemme post that on youtube if ur not gonna! i send you link.... if its ok....
That's fine. I don't normally bother with youtube uploading so go ahead. Just say that xSn1p3r Kr0pF1x was the guy killed, and Redearth Adam uploaded it. The rest is free game. If you wanna download the clip it's in the first name I mentioned fileshare. xSn1p3r Kr0pF1x. I seriously gotta get him to change his name.
k sweet, i will have it uploaded and edited before the end of tomorow! EDIT: im actually almost done now....