The title says it all! Alright my favorite is probably Cops and Robbers, Cat and Mouse, or Fat Kid on Levels 3. Those are my favorite but what are yours?
just general FFA, i liked the idea of 3 levels but nearly all of the 3 level maps ive seen are barely interlocked.
I doubt anyone's heard of it, but me and a few friends invented a vehicle combat map on Foundry called Rally [or something] You spawn with a magnum and a sword, right next to a random vehicle high above the map floor. You get in, and roll it down to the ground and kick some ass. It wasn't all vehicle combat, there was a lot of on-foot fighting too. There were fusion coils and man-cannon jumps; it was the most messily made map I've ever seen, and the best by far. I swear I played on that for 3 hours without getting bored XD
When the game only has 1 zombie per round (1 Life for all) and is invisible and omnipresent (Radar + the dots over people's heads) but has no sheilds. While the humans have BR's and Ar's and no sheilds. Scary stuff.
Clue is my favorate. Absolutaly no contest. My second favorate is either a good competitive game from a map I found righthere on forgehub or playing on your new map for the first time. Its nice to see your hard work pay off...
My favorite are puzzles, once you play one you have to play the rest in the series. It is also what got my thousands of downloads.
im gonna say my favorite type is cat and mouse, fallowed by cops and robbers. i think they're both fun, but most of my custom games are with my firneds just 2v2 layer, ive never played clue.
1v1 Wraith Sumo Battle. Jk, it doesn't even exist, well, what I know of anyway. My favorite would have to be Multi Flag CTF on Avalanche with your starting weapon being an Assault Rifle only. It's better when only a few people have BR's, and not everyone, so the BR doesn't become the new Assault Rifle.