>>INSANE<< >>Required Gametype<< !!INSANE!! This is a very challenging maze. Its like most mazes yet you really need to be good with jumping skills. The whole dying and respawning back at the beginning can really give you a hard time. But for those that arn't afraid of a challenge will really enjoy this puzzle map. This map is ment for only one person to complete alone but many can play at the same time. Good luck and enjoy! Hints Empty rooms are boring. Just leave BR's have good strength Seems impossible. But Really? I found my Pink friend!!! Now unleash you upon escape COOL! Stuck in a box I really could use help. But keep quick on your feet. Jumping is easy but squeezing into tight spots? ~LUKY
well, this looks like the first successful puzzle map on a map besides foundry, really creative idea with all you have done. nice job. 4/5
I haven't done a puzzle map off of foundry before. This sure looks like it could be fun. Hopefully I can try this out for you. for now, 4/5.
i have seen ones before on blackout which are better than this also i cant really see what you have changed in the map
Looks ok for a puzzle map on Blackout. It looks easy to break though, maybe it's just me. You should join our clan for puzzle makers, it's in my signature.
well im not really into this map, for me it looks easy and short the ones i like are really long and really hard
yeah its kind of hard to make a long maze when you dont really have a big map to work with but it seemed nice to switch up that map a bit. and yeah what do i have to do to become part of that team??
Looks kinda cool. The few that i have tried that weren't on foundry haven't been very entertaining and they were really easy. I am hoping to a really big one on avalanche soon. With unlimited money, that'd be Epic
Well i havent played it but based on the screenshots it looks more like a jump map than a puzzle map. You can tell by all the jumps you have to do. I dont see anything that would require thinking just jumping and crouching. I am not going to give you a review untill i play it but if it is a jump map and not a puzze map then i will dock you some points because of the title. other than that it looks like an okay map but i dont really like jump maps. I'll dl and get back to you.