Pherorix Pherorix is a symmetrical map made for mainly Team Slayer and two Flag , but it is set up for Oddball and King of the hill. The map is centralised around a cube , named the “ Cube of Pherorix” this is a powerful cube contained in a holding cell based in the shipment chambers of the frigate. Above the cube there is a bubble shield that spawns and then later a Energy Sword. Surrounding the cube are different way's around the shipment area , which include two symmetrical bases , “Blue and Red”. This is where the two teams start the game to battle for the “Cube” both teams have fair weapon placement and spawning areas. The differences in the hallways leading to the rooms are that one has a plasma cannon and the other has a turret. “view of blue base corridor, underneath is a hiding spot both are symmetrical” “Also Underneath there are sniper rifles, Also if you look to the top right you may see a fusion coil, blow this up and it occurs a chain effect blowing up a fusion coil in that base, just behind where the lag spawns. What a surprise.” Recommended players 3v3 on Flag or 4+ on Team slayer This is map is 95% Interlocking , the places where it is not interlocking are because I have most probably chosen not to do so. Red base , includes the fusion coil I was telling you about, and a nice pit with an escape route via the box. Blue base symmetrical to the red base. Both bases have 2 routes out and one route in , the extra route out is via a door with a nice window, but this is the dangerous way out because the other teams base is at the other side of the wall. you can see 2 fusion coils one at either side , plus first one out gets a brute launcher Last but not least is the S graved symbol this is a great place to sniper , but this is where you get the shotgun and if you mange to jump off a little ledge you can get to the top platform and take the Grav-hammer. I made this map for tactical play, one move can be your last think wisely and learn the ways of the Cube. Download here Pherorix please give me good or bad repitation on this post so i know if i have done a good job or need to inprove . Thanks Click here for rep Urgent notice Thanks to evreyone's Critism and special thanks to Backwards logic & Flaming Omlet. I am making a new map named Pherorix Cells this new map is to be based on a similar story been that the "cube" has been trasported to it's final resting grounds after been trasported in the cargo bay " last map". This new map is curentley in planning. Please tomorow check up in my blog for more updated info.
YAY 1st Post. Really nice design and interlocking 4.5/5 maybe you could add some action shot so we can see how it plays. but all in all really nice map
can i has a weapon list??? nice map but wouldnt the turrets be overpowering? thank you for the weapon list
Ok this is from memory as i have only just finished it , but i will get an updated list asap. 1x Beam sword 1x Grav Hammer 1x shotgun 2x mauler 2x Pink fist of furrey lol aka needeler 2x sniper one human one elite 1x flare 1x Emp 1x bubble shield 4x smg 1x Carbine 2x magnums 2x plasma pistol 2x battle rifel and they maybe but there are 2 exits and plasma grenades to take them out. But there is a shield door protecting you if you duck also. But if people find them too powering i will take them away.
I dont think 95% is geo-merged because almost none of it looks to be geo-merged..... i think you may have that confused with interlocking, which is puting two objects together. Geo-Merging is when you put an object into the regular map geometry like the walls or the floor. Other than that the map looks pretty good. Although it looks a little small with alot more equipment than is needed.
This map looks VERY well made. The layout is pretty cool, and your use of interlocking and geo-merging is perfect. Everything is very neat and clean, and it looks like there is a great amount of cover. The "S" shape is a nice decorative touch. My only problem is the turret in one of the pictures. I am not a fan of turrets in competitive maps, and I think that it might negatively effect gameplay. 5/5, excellent work!
oh , oops yup thanks for that i realise what i put now , thanks ! , and person above , i will make a remake after peoples views so i can inprove and i will edit the turret off. But it is easily taken off by throwing a plasma grenade at it. Thanks still
There seems to be too many power weapons on this map. Otherwise it looks nice. Just remove the turret and I'd be fine.
very nice interlocking. also very nice interlocking the power ups. nice gameplay too. i jsut LOVE this map!!!! i think that this shoudl win the best of forge contest in one of the catagories
This is a greatly forged map and was thought through very well. The only problem i see is that it's too small for that many power weps and equipment. 4/5 Listen to what people are saying for your changes in a v2. Now, when you make another map i want to see you expand it more. Make it bigger while still paying attention to aesthetics like you did on this map. Also learn to geomerge if you don't. You seem very good at interlocking so if you use that skill and some geomerging you could make a great map. Can't wait to see your next forgerific creation!
This is great, i like how you used all resources avable to your advantage and it looks very clean and nice done.
Hi well i will work on a v2 verry soon , and hmm ,.. thanks for the ideas i am going to expand it more and work on more passageways , do you think i should 1. go for a less symetrical but fair aproach , or 2. a symetrical aproach ?
I like your map. Was it hard to make. It looks like it took a long time to make it. Thats what I think. Great map. Keep it up.
Nice to see you put another map out! Nice interlocking, I've got a map coming out as soon as it gets tested (teaser pic in my sig) 5/5 game play looks great, though the power weapons could be a problem. I suggest you go with a combination of 1&2 symmetrical and fair! Can't wait for V2
I downloaded the map because I was curious to how you managed to cram so many weapons into a small map. Here are my thoughts from my forgethrough: 1. The dead-end shield door rooms have to go. With 3 close quarter weapons within a very close area, camping will ruin the gameplay on the map. It would be a shame, as I think the map layout itself has a lot of potential. The simple change here would be just to remove the shield doors themselves. 2. With regards to all of the weapons, I noticed you did not edit any of the respawn times or if they spawn in only symmetric or asymmetric game types. By leaving them all set to the default setting (30 seconds), it makes for a very static gameplay since power weapons will always take precedent over say the smg or br. 3. There are way too many weapons on the map overall. For example, on your "s" structure, I can stand on it and choose between the gravity hammer, shotgun, or a short jump away rests the sword. The simple change would be to pick one close weapon, one sniper weapon, and the rest a combination of battle rifles, smg's, and the various plasma weapons. Now while I haven't played a game on the map yet, but just by judging from the design featuring predominantly long narrow corridors I can say that the needler will be very, very powerful given the map's layout. This could be an interesting choice as the map's lone power weapon - could make for some interesting gameplay. 4. Any reason a fusion coil spawns outside the map and randomly explodes? I hope I didn't come across as bashing your map, because my no means is what this post is about. The map by itself looks great and I hope you take in account some of the suggestions being offered by me and the other members to make a much better version 2. Good start to a very promising map.