As we all know, gameboy and the DS has been remaking Final Fantasy games. I think they are on number 5? I really don't know. My point in this topic is are they gonna make number 7? What do you guys think? My prediction will be they will, however, it will be on the Psp. I really don't see the DS having enough storage to play the game unless they are going to insert bad graphics.
I sincerely hope to God that they remake it for the PS3 with the graphics that the tech demo displayed (or better, since that was a few years ago) like they said they were "considering." Reason why they haven't done it yet is because the team that worked on the game has been split up to work on separate projects. I think about half of them are working on FFvXIII/FFXIII, and a good amount of them are working on the new Kingdom Hearts games. At least that's the reasoning that SE gave as to why the FFVII remake hasn't happened yet.
I would buy a PS3, solely for a FF7 remake. All truth. Although, they better not **** it up if they do. The Materia system > all other Final Fantasy magic system.
A remake would lack the charm of the original. I can't see it being any better unless they finished the game this time... which seems unlikely as Sakaguchi is at Mistwalker now, and Kitase is working on FFXIII. It'd make them a lot of money though, I guess.
Depending on how tight your morals are, its already here. I own a PSP, and with the hacked firmware its pretty damn easy to get any PS1 game on your PSP. All that's required is a large-ish memory card (2-4gig), and it actually takes less battery power than playing a regular disc game. It can be kinda hard to find a good rom of the game, and bad ones lag and skip badly, but I play FFVIII (which is just better than VII, whatever people say, you are very very wrong) which I have found a near perfect version of, and the novelty of playing it on the move is pretty cool. This isn't exactly a remake, but it still achieves the same end. I also agree that a PS1 gen FF game would not work on the DS, it simply doesn't have the power IMO.
Frankly i really hope they do not make a remake of FF7 on the PS3. I am a massive FF7 fan but i truly believe a remake would ruin the nostalgia i feel for the game. What you have to remember is that FF7 is not a finished game. The producers had to cut out some areas of the game which they have not actually disclosed, though its widely thought to be Aeris coming back to life(a debate for another time). If they remade the game they would have to massively rework everything from the fighting to the world map and exploration. Although FF7 was awesome at the time its not at next-gen standard and if it was released, with better graphics, tomorrow many reviews would be highly critical of its rough and ragged nature. If they wish to extend the FF7 universe, which is definitely the best FF story, its needs to be a new game and a reworked combat and Materia system. I SeNTiNeL I
Well, it seems quite likely that they would. Quick port for DS = lotsa moniez. I don't know if I'd buy it, though. The game's alright, but it's so overrated...