
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Hertz381, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. Hertz381

    Hertz381 Ancient
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    Outbreak is a fun addicting gametype that all people love. The main attraction of this gametype is a door that stops the zombies from attacking the humans for a short period of time. After 20 seconds the door will open. The zombies who have overshields and extra damage resistance will come through the door at a very slow pace. The door will stay open for 10 seconds and then close again. Giving the humans time to kill the remaining zombies while the others are stuck. After 20 seconds it will re-open again and so on. The humans have 3 main turrets and and another 2 for the last stand. (The last stand turrets are placed so they cant kill zombies unless they go up onto the human base). Here are some screen shots that might help you out. For the gametype edit number of zombies so if theirs 9 or less 2 zombies. 10-16 3 zombies.

    This is the human overview, where they spawn. You can see 3 of the turrets here. The teleporter you see in the picture is a two way but on the other side are only sender nodes so you cant go through it only come back from it. The senders are outside the map incase you spawn out thier. This only rarely happens with games of 16 players.
    This is the door seperating the zombies from the humans. You can also see one of the last stand turrets here. Thier is another turret on the other side.
    Here is another view of the door on each side of the walls is where the last stand turrets are.
    This is the zombie spawn. It is behind the dumpsters you saw in the last picture. The teleporter you see in the picture is a two way but on the other side are only senders so you cant go through it only come back from it. The senders are under the dumpsters so if a dumpster doesn't spawn you cant get down thier.

    Author 1 of Map


    Author 2 of Map


    Supervisor (A.K.A guy who told us what was wrong with the map)

    Download Map Here
    Download Gametype Here (Required)
    #1 Hertz381, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2008

    XxNAPALM FURYxX Ancient
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    i havent been one but if im wrong correct me its very nice and i see this must be your first map but it could be cleaned up but i would check out the forging 101 to learn more tricks
  3. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    This looks cool! Sort of like fat boy, except controlled and without the annoying guys that can run 500 miles an hour. And you don't have to check out the forgehub vids. The map looks fine. I can live with slight sloppiness, but I can't stand it when people overdo it.
  4. Hertz381

    Hertz381 Ancient
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    Dude the map is fine it is all interlocked and all that. The only problem is the door is somewhat crooked but you dont even notice it when your playing
  5. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    3.5/5, because the map isn't that original, but I like the opening and closing doors so that made it a four, but the problem with spawning bumped it down.

    Make sure you have used enough starting and spawn points for the game and the problem should be fixed.
  6. Hertz381

    Hertz381 Ancient
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    I used plenty of spawn points and even spawn areas it just still sometimes happened
  7. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    ok, but I hope you didin't replace some starting points with starting areas, because they don't mean that you spawn in that area, it just sets all spawns in that area to one team.
  8. Hertz381

    Hertz381 Ancient
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    oh thank you i will fix that
  9. VGI dYn4sTy

    VGI dYn4sTy Ancient
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    dude this map is great, nice job interlocking
  10. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    atlast a decent infection map. the reason i say decent is because it has to many turrets but i guess thats ok because the zombies have overshields. may i ask how the door closes after 10 seconds then re opens again? and after 3 minutes wouldnt the zombies be locked into there own spawn-points
  11. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    looks like a fun minigame. although it seems very small for 16 people. and people shouldn't be spawning outside the map if you have enough starting points.
  12. Hertz381

    Hertz381 Ancient
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    the door closes when a gravlift is underneath it. After 30 seconds a fusion coil spawns that is sent into a mancannon going towards the lift. The lift destroys opening the door. After 10 seconds the lift respawns closing the door. After 20 seconds the fusion coil respawns again(acounting for the 10 seconds the gravlift was dead and their was no fusion core) destroying the lift and so-forth
  13. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
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    Wow, this looks impressive. The map looks neat, solid and well interlocked. It may be a basic idea, but it all seems well thought out. Good job.
  14. Hertz381

    Hertz381 Ancient
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    ty very much i think this is the first mini game to have a door in it though

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