Holy ****, that would be insane. i might stay away from whole buildings, because they would be in others maps, and i like to stay original. but jesus christ, thank you bungie, i love you.
I second this statement. This new foundry has the potential to be so so very awesome. Seems a lot of work if its anything like what these clues hint, perhaps bungie are more interested in the forge side of halo 3 than we realise.
I cannot wait for some official information on this new forge map. I hope it can live up to all the hype its causing.
I'm not expecting it to happen ... its more of a "...how good would this be? inorite?!" kinda thing ...
If bungie delivers on this map editor they will have exceeded my expectations for the future of forge in every possible way.
This is exactly what i was prospecting about in my blog! thank you for finding that textured... its amazing.
Yeah all this is pretty amazing. idk if any of you guys saw the acceptance speech, but it was all there. The AI, the clones, and at the very end... the amazing new map editor, or so it seemed.
I really don't know what to think of this. Hopefully it will be amazing and all, but it will kind of be the death of forge (almost). You needed to be good at forging to make a really good map. The editor will most likely make it a lot easier to make something of quality, so good forged (or edited) maps aren't that special anymore. That being said, I don't think Bungie will make forge obsolete. Of course, thats only if the new 'map' or whatever its going to be isn't forge. I'm betting that it is something like an arcade game, or a new thing on the menu, so not really 'forge'.
I was thinking of this as well. It might be a good change of pace though. Many people are so concerned with interlocking that they don't even focus on the design of the map. Maybe this map will bring back the importance of design and not just the quality. At the same time it may be a good chance for everyone to raise the forge bar even higher.
I don't think the fact that the old tactics will no longer be needed is really a legit concern because the good map makers (which is different from good interlockers) will be able to make maps with better layouts and better gameplay. Plus if it really is like a real map editor people will learn ways to be really badass at making maps. The only sad thing is foundry will become obsolete and we'll have spent so much time on it. This will truly move forge forward beyond anything we can even think of right now.
i love foundry, but if this is as good as i think it is i might just make maps instead of actually playing the dam game.
This just means that he is going to be promoted into an Exectutive at Bungie... Executives usually wear suits... Well, not at Bungie but still. This makes sence. At the end of the video, the room had blues in it. Oh, and also relating to my first quote, that had nothing to do with buildings... But what Lukems walked out of was definately not nothing, they build something there... and it looked too good to just be walls and random junk put together.