MLG Toronto Who do you think will win? Final Boss has a good chance, with Neighbour bieng their new addition. Carbon said they would be upping their game this time around, and have been training hard. St8 have now have their newest member Snipedown, who was playing epic at Orlando. Triggers Down took Orlando by storm, and are capable of doing it again
I'm cheering for Team Classic, but I'd like to see Final Boss do some damage. I haven't been keeping myself up to date on MLG news, so it will be interesting for me to see how they will play together. I'm almost tired of watching Str8 play, I hope to see a TC and FB championship Sunday, just like it was back in Meadowlands.
I'm actually looking to see either Final Boss or Triggers Down win. But I'm more going towards Final Boss because I want to see them beat Triggers Down. Seeing they won the Orlando Event. But anybody can surprise you in MLG tournaments.
Im hoping for FB tho i miss walsh, im looking forward on seeing how neighbor plays with the ogers and strongside.
^^^ Aren't you the one supposed to be stalking their profiles? Lol. But yeah, its really hard to say this time. For the most part I have no clue how all the new teams are/will play together.
lol **** off, that was for a short period right after the team changes. I'd say probably FB or Str8 if I had to choose, but TD, instinct, or carbon could sneak in there. Watch carbon in particular being that they're the only top five team to not have a team change. I'm rooting for Legendz: Gandhi, Best Man, Defy, Naded
I'll be rooting for Str8, and against FB. As for an actual prediction? I couldn't say, nobody really knows how all the teams are doing. Str8 and Instinct are the only ones who got better or stayed the same in the team changes IMO. And Str8 has been pretty consistent this year minus Meadowlands, so I'd have to pick them.
Everybody can’t you see Instinct is about to punish people’s emotions in Toronto. Walsh: now from what I’ve seen/heard ( I have not seen much Halo 2 stuff) he is just amazing period. Roy: has "the filthiest br in the league" its ben said time and time again. Lunchbox: we all know he will do horrid things to you and your team all why racking up his brain medals. KGB Soviet: Is going to go insane he’s not new to this, i personaly from what ive seen think he is just all arround a force to be under-rated, and with the team I mentioned above behind him it going to be like a kid with 20 dollars at the dollar tree. People listen up a new era is upon us. Like a phoenix, Instinct will rise from its flaming smoldering remains to spread their wings and embrace the shining sun of greatness. Only to cast all unworthy foes under their eclipse of complete MLG domination. Respect them or not, know in your souls the truth “anybody steps to them will get delt.”
Although Instinct was good before, and even better now, I don't think they are the new Final Boss. If anyone looks like they are going to take that title its Str8.
Seriously, thats what I was thinking. They haven't even come close the whole season, I can't believe anything would change now.
Why because str8 got a new snipper for the old one other than that how is str8 ready for this. Look at everything. Instict is quite for a reason thew only videos that I could find scatterd across the web are videos of them loosing. Every one? they didnt post a win. They are going to disembow people P.S. Im almost certain but Soviet was 2007 free for all camp so if im corect hes an all out slaying beast on a team of monsters.
I have no idea what the **** you just said. Try be at least somewhat coherent. New FB to win I think. And if they win big here I bet they win out.
All I can say is that I hope Walshy poops on FB, Neighbour poops on Snipedown, and Snipedown poops on everyone else (that means Str8 wins)
I think Instinct will do well, and FB will place high too if they can all pick up their objective game. I doubt theyll loose too many slayers, but they just need work on those objectives
Str8, Snipedown is already a power player and him being put on a team that is already awesome only gives them more of a chance to dominate.
Snip3down basically replaces Neighbor as one of the better slayers. If Str8 got the team chemistry down good (which they say they have), then they have a good chance of winning, other than that they don't. TD has a good chance. They lost a good slayer but picked up a good strategist, Mackeo. TD still has Hysteria, who is a beast, especially for his age. Instinct: With the changes they have had to make, I don't think we'll see their full force this upcoming weekend. Soviet, Roy, and Lunchbox are all beasts at this game, and if they were brought under Walshy correctly, then they have a good chance. Walshy isn't a god at Halo 3, but he sure understands the game. Final Boss: Again, I'm iffy. I want to see how Neighbor gels with the team. They probably came up with a whole lot of better strats, but we'll have to wait and see. Carbon: Who chose Carbon? Maybe their team chemistry improved, but they still can't compete with the other top 4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I voted for Str8 just because I love how Snip3down plays and because I think he will replace Neighbor well. They will still have to work at it, however.