By xSharpshooter94 and xX5w33ny70ddXx Hello again everyone! Well this is the moment the release of my best map to date...Deathbowl. It is a fairly simple concept, but it is so much fun if played right. Basically it is a fight to the death on the back of a mongoose in a bowl-shaped arena. It is played with a VIP varient of the same name. The game is formatted for 4,6 or 8 players only. you spawn in a box at the top of the arena. the VIP remains the same throughout the game and does normal damage, has 150% damage resistance and can only be a passenger. He is also very heavy(max garavity) and slow(min speed). The other person on your 2 man team, has 150% damage resistance, deals no damage, has normal speed and gravity and can be a driver only. Now as i said you spawn in an inescapable box. there is only one way out, which is to drive full force into the sheild door, bouncing you into the arena. here it is a fight to the death. the VIP is armed with bruteshots. So inside the arena it is an all out rampage. Good luck geting a breath though because there is a 25 point/5min round limit with 3 rounds. it is a long and epic battle. Will you be able to survive? Pictures: Side 1 Side 2 Complex system oh yeah thank you sweenytodd the! The moment of impact um, bud...what do we do now? careful mancannons spawn at 1 min. flymongooses when did this happen??? INCOMING!!!!! Download Deathbowl Download Deathbowl VIP Praise!!!
I was glad that I could help fix this map up with some ideas I had, I want to play it sometime, cause I never got to with the made changes. However, I was hoping to change the gametype around and stuff, cause I had some ideas for that too to make it better.
Lol looks awesome dude. I am glad you posted something so cool. Good idea that you can only get out by riding the goose. 5/5 Sharpshooter. This rocks. EDIT: why does it say that the author is bungie?
Ahaha, I love it, your map even looks awesome for such an idea. Love the ascetic warthogs in the fence boxes. Will be downloading this.
Hey mate, forging is a labour of love. Hog Zombies wasn't the best it could be, and was recieved fairly well, but hell if I'm not proud of it, you should be too. From the screens so far I can tell the map is perfect in its demensions and interlocking. Concept is pretty solid, except mongeese are really easy to flip with a brute shot, then when you fall off, other team just blows it up and now what, you're screwed. Beyond that though, can't wait to get a party of this going.
you'd think that but it really doesnt pose a problem thank you for the complements but the reason it is perfect is because i busted my ass making it.
Well first I would like to say that is one sexy looking map there sharpshooter, it brings new life into that classic death area style fight. The hogs are cool and the game play just looks way awesome, I am going to download it and if you want to play it with me or what ever my gt is Supernaut26. This map looks great also hope you get unbanned so your name is on stuff like this once again.
All those perfect walls were me And the person that made the clone in the corner..Yep, me again JK, i like this gametype its a great mini game to play when waiting for more people
looks really well made i have a question about the game type is the whole bowl in the vip area? i am not quite sure how you score points does the vip area move? do you have to assasinate the vip or does he jsut take damage normally?
looks like a nice map i will send you good rep because it is a very origanal idea and it is very smooth well done 5/5
this map looks fairly simple but yet it looks like fun so this is a 4/5 i like how you did the man cannons ill be sure to DL this map.
I love the map, and I was actually thinking of doing something like this, though you made it 100% better than mine *Scraps piece of junk*. Though, I have a question. Why is that hole in the centre of the map? We see the Man-Cannons spawn beside it, but what about the hole itself... Does it hide some secret banhammer?