I love how all the COD fanbois say...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by QKT, Aug 18, 2008.

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  1. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    that any shooting game with shields is a bad game.
    When in actual fact COD has shields as well.
    The screen goes red you run into cover and heal slowly but if you're shot while getting better you're more likely to die
    which is exactly the same as halo.

    I am so anti-COD. COD fails uberstyle. Its unfair in so many ways, there are so many exploits and its "realistic" style isnt at all. Plus it has really cheap looking menus and symbols etc.
  2. ryan r teh lol

    ryan r teh lol Ancient
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    I don't know about COD4 yet, I''m going to buy it soon though, try it out for a bit. :)
  3. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    it makes me angry
    its so easy
  4. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    The thing with Cod4 is that noobs who can't get kills in Halo3 find it easier to kill In COD4 because shields (As you call them) Are weak as ****... I rarely get saved by them.

    That's my opinion on it.
  5. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    CoD4 is actually a great game. The only thing that fails is weapon-mongering. To me, Halo is balanced with weapons because all players have an equal chance to dominate in the weapons field, where C0D4 has you unlocking them as you increase in rank. Plus some perks are just flat out cheap as hell, like martyrdom or juggernaut
  6. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I agree 100% Martydom is the only thing that pisses me off in that game, and I get confused on which is better, stopping power of double tap with bandolier.

    But yes COD4 is a great game.
  7. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    your right about unlocking weapons, but my two favorite guns are unlokced crazy fast. One you get at level 3, wich is basically 5 kills, and the other at level ten. (MP5 and M4 CARBINE) i think that game is fair, because you get to customize, so if your classes suck, whose fault is that?
  8. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    you can just easily rape with a grenade launcher
    boom boom 4+ kills

    and sniping isnt better in COD4 there's no sense of achievement because a shot in the shoulder kills them
  9. E93

    E93 Guest

    COD4 is an awesome game. Halo Fanboys won't admit it. But to be honest, I play Halo more, for the simple reasons of more options. Including Custom Games, Theater, Forge (even though I don't). Despite of the Private Matches option in Cod, it just isn't at all like Custom Games.

    And yes, you're right. Call of Duty does also use of ''shields''. Only difference is, that it doesn't show it on the screen, exactly like Gears of War. I like games like these, because I don't have to constantly keep looking for more health, like in Half-Life.
    It's so much better like this.

    Off-Topic: PluginFiend, what was your old name here? I always get confused.
  10. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    mah old name was

    ok COD4 is a good game but its an exception, COD5 is back to the wartime period which always fails imo, medal of honour never has really been an astounding game has it?
  11. E93

    E93 Guest

    Is it going to be called COD5?
    I thought it was supposed to be like, Call of Duty: World at War.
    I think it's basically, going to be like Guitar Hero 3, and Guitar Hero Aerosmith.
    Same engine, same graphics, just some new content.
  12. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    CoD5: WaW

  13. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    its not really new as its war, once again.
    there's no creativity in COD. Cpt Price all over again... -_-
  14. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    i must say that he does have a pretty cool mustache ;)

    But the only unfair thing in CoD4 is that if your better, you get better weapons. All the new people have to start out with crappy weapons and bad perks while the good people get the best weapons and best perks.
  15. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    This is a personal stand point.. I think that Cod4 was one of the best Campaigns that i have played over the course of the weekend... (beat it on the veteran mode) Now saying this... I think that the multiplayer is a bit lacking compared to that. I mean power weapons on a map promote movement and team work.. and for god sake its the military... why are they not working as a team? ... I mean the game was just pissing me off after that point ..because I'm so into MLG and team worked games that CO4 promotes heros...promotes camping ..and very cheesy tactics... that I simply can't grasp... as for bashing COD fans ...what would you do that for?

    I mean they have a game they like it... leave it at that... no need piss them off or any thing. I also have to leave off at one of my friends play CO4 and I kinda notice he never uses his mic... which also supports my case of team work...
  16. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Your wrong in soo many ways, Maybe just because YOU personally cant get kills doesnt mean its unfair, two of the best guns in the entire game you get right at the beginning
    I still use the M40A3 and the MP5 and i'm a 55 tenth prestige.
    And saying it has cheap menus? i can tell your just basing this off what other people have told you..If you ask me i would say halo looks cheaper, its just a solid color and the music just continues the whole time, but guess what? i still play both halo and COD, so maybe next time you try to diss a game, actuelly play it first and dont just listen to others.
  17. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i love both halo and cod. They are both fun in their own ways. Yes, you can kill easier in cod, which some people like, but those people are the ones who usually go about 10 and 30. it takes skill to actually be good and get a lot of kills and keep up a 2.0 Kill/death.
    It technically does not have sheilds, just regenerating health, so you do get killed a lot quicker. And the weapons are fair in my opinion. The best in the game, the m40, is availible almost from the start, and the m16 is availible from the start.
  18. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    check my gamertag
    i have got more achievements in cod than you
    and where did i say i couldnt get kills? i said it was far too easy
    #18 QKT, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
  19. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Oh goodie...you play campaign?

    But thank you for telling me your better than me at killing guys who dont shoot back while you have 20 teamates, a silenced, rep dot gun with a noob tube, 6 claymores, 6 C4's and helicopter support, now i truelly know how bad i am

    haha, maybe next time, think before you try and insult others.
  20. fluffypancakes

    fluffypancakes Ancient

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    i agree with norlinsky bcasue if all the noobs have weak wepons and veterans have stronger weapons than that just makes it harder for newbies and makes them more likely to quit.
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