well, not sure where to put this so ill stick it here for now, Need help on a switch? no problem, call me up in a game and ill set you up with whatever you need, [unless its an impossibly insane switch that wont work anyway lol] To request a switch in your map use this form : Note that i will not be able to take all requests at once so i will put up a list of who goes first and whatever, any good switchmakers out there that want to help with this thing im doing just tell me and i would love to have you help =]
your switches are pretty damn good, would you like to join TectoniX forge Clan ive seen your **** and u wouldn't have to tryout we could use someone like you Message me if you're interested, Gamertag: UndoingChales
GT: Stefan D time i can get on: always, no gold membership though haha what i want switch to do: to be an elevator that goes in a square patter, using a crate and a track made of telly's thinking of making a switch that uses a crate that goes up right down left, and then rotates again and its like a moving central structure, with a sniper sitting at the top waiting to be pickid up at the climax of the crate the crate is green, the solid walls are solid walls, the dotted lines are objects (teleporters, wep holders) that the player can go through grav lifts are blue spartan is red i know sloppy, but then the crate goes in a "circle" do you think its possible (i started making it, and it was just way way way too hard!
pmp do you think that's possible? on h3a, i posted this like a switch request, but ferretness took it down and said it was his idea, but never let me in on it...so thanks!
Everybody who sees this thread (quote this above) A pmp nmd Slkbk is probably the best switch maker in the world! His work and skillz allways impress me and he is such an export in switchmaking that he can make the most complex tasks look easy and they are amazingly consistan too. He helped make the switch on Code Impulse (which he is editing and he made it cleaner for v2 which should come out shortly in the allready existing thread. The thread name will have v2 on it though! BTW I believe this goes in general chat. The one stop shop for featured maps is there.
This One Will Be A Challenge Hey i dont know if this is possible, but i tried to to do it my self but couldnt do it and then i saw this thread and decided to see if you can do it. Gamertag:Teerav11 Switch I want Made: Rotating floor (sounds hard i know) Time I can get on:Almost Anytime What I want my switch to do:i was hoping you could make me a rotating floor it doesnt matter to me whetther it rotates at the begining of the game or whether you activate it by stepping on a custom power up, it really doesnt matter as long as it rotates. if you can do this for me then i will give you rep and credit when i post the map i make out of it. if you are going to reply then pm me. thanks in advance.
gt:ki11akobe24 online:almost always is there a way to make an open and closable door using a grav lift technique lik this? technique: door starts closed with an unspawned grav lift A next to it is grav lift B spawned and preventing grav lift A from spawning. now by destroying grav lift B GRav lift A spwans and pushes door up. and by destroying grav lift A Grav lift B spawns and the door closes now ive tried this and every time i kill a grav lift the ohter doesnt always spawn. for example: i kill A , B spawns but i kill B but B spawns again and again and again until finally A spawns after 3 consecutive B's so i was wonderin if there was a way to make it force spawn each other
Gamertag:Teerav11 Switch I want Made: Openable Display Case (alot easier than my last request lmao) Time I can get on:Almost Anytime What I want my switch to do: im not too picky with this one, as long as its openable, and you can see inside. PM me on forgehub if you want to reply, thanks
ok, for both of you these can be both done with THE EXACT SAME METHOD, its the slide door by coyote, if u wanna check that its HERE just check that out and if you cant get it ill help u on xbl =]
teerav i woould suggest doing what the person above me said(forget name). just use some kind of door method that wod move a crate or alot of them or something. also pmp i would love to help you im good with switches and just learned about "Wire Tech" and have made a few wires that worked and they were sweet