Bungie permanantly banned my filleshare for no reason. I had no bad or modded stuff on it and it got banned. Even though i have 3 maps i want to post i can because of bungie. :cry::cry:
Sounds like your **** out of luck. You could buy Xport or Xsata and use that to transfer your maps to your computer. From there you can make a new account and transfer the maps back to your new account.
thanx for the help but havig to accounts in at once and playing the map on both is easier. I hope i can get my maps on like a friends fileshare.
Maybe you could get someone else to post it in their FileShares? Still shitty, are you sure you had no innapropriete stuff, or modded things on your FileShare?
did bungie send you a message have you sent them an email? I you have no modded stuff maybe its a mistake.....seems very odd that they would do it for no reason
Yeah, sometimes they either type the wrong names or just mis-calculate well, everyone can make mistakes sometimes. Yeah email, them you may even get compansation R3C0NZ HAX
I doubt you'll get recon but ya, getting through to bungie is like poppin a virgin's cherry with a baseball bat.
maybe ur membership ran out, but besides that i dunno maybe some1 else got banned off your xbx like ur brother or something, if u have one and got banned