Alright, so there has already been the Favorite Forgers on Forgehub, courtesy of BlazeIsGod, but with so many great forgers here, some don't quite make it into the light. So, post your favorite underrated forger here on forgehub. Post their name, why you like them, and which map of theirs is your favorite. _________ One of mine has to be chrstphrbrnnn. The main reason he isn't recognized as a forger, is because he hasn't posted his maps on FH in fear they won't do well. But his maps are original while remaing great and balanced for gameplay. Favorite map - Harmonexus
those guys that just find out about Forgehub although they are good or decent or amazing forgers by themselves...those are the best...they join just to get their map out there. those are the guys i admire!
me. kiddng, but this guy called extreemkoolbie or something. he's coming out with a map soon and its really good.
Underrated has 2 r's. I think Dom Says Oi is quite underrated. I have enjoyed playing many of his maps. Although some are a bit lacking in creativity, they all had their own distinct style. He is a forger who isn't afraid of a challenge.
Linubidix, Scopulus & Chips all have produced many skillful awesome maps that have sunk without the attention they deserve.
Yeah recently Dom isn't as well known for forging becuase people have forgotten the Shell Shocked contest.
What the ****, people like my maps? Haha thanks guys, being appreciated actually really means a lot to me no matter how small, it shows that I'm trying. And T3chno, my Shell Shocked entry was horrid, lulz. Underrated forgers; no one knows this kid at all and when he's here he's generally a Forgehub harassing site *****, but IcedFrappuccino makes fairly good maps. He's a bit obsessive with his powerup usage and such, but his maps are to some degree original albeit lacking gameplay. Another that I could name is Weremidget who's maps truly are great but he's not active at the site at all so no one has heard of him generally. There are a few honorable mentions I can make, but said mentions aren't exactly underrated, so meh.
AZN for that Mario Tower map. Most people stopped liking him after he left but I still love playing this one map.
Weremidget definitely, TexturedSun is there too. Matt(random numbers), the guy who made "Kayarque", not Commandermatt.