Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Sorry i dont have anymore pics because my xbox was not working right.This map took hours and hours of work and starting new rounds(for interlocking purposes).This map has a very special door that makes that when you enter you cant go back and forced to go some where else.It also has a trap that when you take the actice camo the dumpster kills you because the man cannon behind the dumpster but the active camo keeps it from being pushed.This map also has a elavater to work this elavater you pick up the gravity lift and and thruogh it under your feet(wich is basically throughing it on the crate)and you will go to the second floor and then you can pick up the sniper and snipe.This map works best for slayer and can be used for king of the hill and ect.The exit is right infront of the elavater.I hope you enjoy this map made by gr33n boog3rz and murderking329.Please coment and rate and dowlaod.
Please don't rate your own thread. There seems to be no spacing problems for me. Anyways maybe you could give a bit better of a description of you map. Like what game types it works for, what the rooms are like (besides what you've already said) etc. Also whats wrong with your xbox that you can't post any more pics? Did you get R.R.O.D.?
NAUGHTY NAUGHTY, dont use contraptions in competitive maps! But from the single pic, you know how to interlock good Ill give it a 2.5/5 for now, ill come back when theres more pics.
I will have to download to check it out. It sounds very interesting. I have not heard of this until now...
Why post if your xbox isn't working right now? Why not just wait until it is working? Seems like a bad decisioon to me... Sorry but no pics no clicks I will not DL something that I haven't seen very much of and I don't think anybody else will either.
Nivlac, that's spam, and btw you really need more pictures. If you ever get more pictures, I might know how,what to rate it.
I wasn't spamming, I had to do something and I was just going to edit my post after i was done. Thats why I said "one sec..."
Switches are great in competitive maps because they cause interesting movements and fun gameplay. H3artificers based there whole website around building switches!
both my maps have contraptions in them, and they are both competitive, and they arent bad!!! i support you fully by the way (dude who made the map) in making more contraption maps! I would love to see more pics of your map, so please PM me when you update it!
Looks ok but a bit sloppy. I like your contraption, I built one once. I would interlock some more of the floors to make it <bumpy.
I normally like to say at least hey good posting job or hey liked your description but sorry to say for now this map and post has a one from me your welcome to tell me when you have more pic up with a pm though. 1/5
i have seen plenty of switches in my day and one that isnt very common is what i call the traditional slide door for this one just take a crate and put reciever nodes on two sides of the crate the crate can then be pushed to close or open the door