click to download forest snipers By Mister Hat and Scarfaced A medium map with a over pass, multiple pillars, a cave, a rocket box and, a base. The was designed so you could go any were within the maps boundaries proving to be a great sniper map. To prevent camping on top of the pillars the objectives are all on the ground floor, and the multiple pillars and the overpass block certain areas from being reached by a sniper. game types supported territories one flag slayer infection weapons on map gravity hammer: spawns 45 seconds into the game rocket launcher: no extra ammo never spawns battle rifle: X2 covenant carbine: X2 sniper rifle: X2 beam rifle: X3 plasma rifle plasma turret: pointed towards the wall so you have to rip it off never spawns vehicles on map ghost mongosse amount of players for maxium gameplay fun 6-8 people now for the part most of you skipped down to pictures some overviews of the map the cave outside of the cave the base the alley the middle the ghost spwan action pictures thanks to the people who helped test
hey, looks like a good sniper map, but im not a big fan of snipers, so unfortunately for you i will not be downloading, but still good map 4/5
i am a little disappointed because i thought from the title that this would be a non-dlc map anyway i like the forging on the fence walls looks very painstaking as for the top floor in the last picture that looks pretty sloppy but idk if you were going for a certain look with that or something
Umnn, I hate to be the one that says: "sloppy" But, I just can't help it 4/5 though some interlocking really could of been better. (last picture)
that is but only part of the map most of it is down below I'm sorry about disappointing you about the non-dlc thing. The fence walls were easy just some crates and interlocking. I was going for a mountainous look for a better feel of the outdoors. I did use interlocking.
I like the map, but there should be a different title. I think that this map is pretty good and the interlocking goes well with the map. 4/5 Nice idea but this map seems more like a BR/Carbine map. BTW the last picture looks very sloppy. (sorry) I don't think this would be good for infection...
looks good for territorys i dont know about 1 flag, slayer maybe, it looks like you tried to geomerge with the crane and the ghost looks balanced due to the fact that you blocked off ramps, which could of been geomerged to remove the annoying bump, it looks like you tried alot of new tequniques. now perfect those tequniques and you will make better maps
the astetics are good along with the flow and playability but I really just don't like snipers. 3.5/5
8/10: Clean You did a great job interlocking the double boxes for a clean effect. The bridge with the ghost in the picture could have been geomerged with the wall for a clean effect. 6/10: Eye appealing The walls that go from one side to the other aren’t appealing to the eye. It lacks a design or intervals for each wall. The double boxes in the second picture aren’t all facing the about same way which loses points. The glowing light in the picture with the ghost is random so I think you should take that away. 6/10: Weapons The concept of the turret facing the wall should be taken out. Put a turret somewhere in the map that covers part of an area and have it so that it can be flanked from the right or the left that way you have to rip the turret off to get them. Also make the rockets and the turret spawn again but have a longer spawn time.
This map is a little awkward. You should clean it up by getting rid of the random lights above the ghost and fixing up and geomerging the randomly placed boxes. I love sniping though so this should be fun!
wow this is a great looking map big , morfed and it looks like you put a lot of work into it i would give it a 9.6/10 good luck with your next map =)
looks ok, nice interlcokgin good map design, and weapon placemtn, looks a little messy want to clean it up