Tonight I actually got my first killionaire on grifball, which is a social playlist. I just wanted to post it, to show I guess that its possible. _____________________________________________ Double Kill/Triple Kill _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Over Kill _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Killtacular/ Killtrocity Killtastrophe/ Killpocolypse _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Killionaire
Ive got about 26 or 27 killionares. Why? Because the inventers of grifball are like, "I cant be stuffed, lets make spawn killing in this lame game"
I somehow got an Extermination when I was dead, forgot to take a picture though. And then I got my Killionaire with the bomb, Killionaires in Grifball is like a cloud in the sky. Theres many of them.
You know what, i got a double kill when i was dead and took that for a Killionaire. I have no Idea how that happened though.
Wow... you're the man... you got a Killionaire in Grifball, whoop de do bro. Mad skills.... Is this a joke? srsly? WTF.... >__> It's just spawn killing, plus you only got the rest of the killionaire out of the bomb explosion because you had slammed your hammer, which has a tiny affect on enemy players, meaning you get the kills from the bomb explosion.
QFT expanding on that this is really common for any somewhat hardcore grifball player we all know that it is indeed 'possible' or in other words 'Failing post is failing'
Ooh lucky spawn camper lol. I have only gotten to killtrocity twice now. And don't you have to post a link to for each picture?
i love getting killionaires in grifball, even if it is just spawn killing. if people say it is gay, then too bad, it is part of the game.
Haha, I got killed by a falling body last night... Almost as classic as a couple Killionaires in Grifball.
I guess this was to represent that killionaires are possible. It wasn't really spawn killing for they had time to attack me they were just bad players i guess.
My friend has gotten two legitimate Killionaires in matchmaking, albeit neither was in ranked. But show me a video of a Killionaire like that and I'll be more impressed. :happy:
I have proof through a video, but I ran out of room on my fileshare. I dont know how to get it on youtube.