how do you animate in photoshop????? i know ur supposed to use image-ready and can anyone tell me how you can make this: it was made by shotgunz BTW like how you would do it...can someone make me something similiar, or lets say just the exposion, and a smooth changing colors background
Make several images (each one's a single frame), and open them in ImageReady. Then look down at the bottom (or wherever the animation window is), and you'll see the current frame of animation. If you can't find it, click window and make sure animation is checked. Then make everything you don't want to be seen in that frame invisible. Click the duplicate frame button on the animation window, and repeat the last step. Keep doing this, and you'll have your animation. You can also click the drop down tab under each frame in the animation window to change how long that frame is visible. Click the play button to preview the animation. When you're done, save optimized as whatever. Rough five minute tutorial!
could you say about how you can make it switch colors smoothly, like in this one: the thing is, they just seem so the moving head, thats like a 100 or something frames right? and the color changing alone is a bunch of layers too right??
you sure he used photoshop for that animation tho? Certain programs (flash, studio max, etc.) make it very easy to animate stuff. they let you choose transitions from frames and will blend 2 for you instead of making 30 layers by hand.