Foundry The Carnival

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Soldier62994, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Help me out, click here. You can X it out afterwards :) Or sign up for yourself!
    Help me out, click here. You can X it out afterwards :) Or sign up for yourself!


    This is one of my maps that I consider to be a "Ministhetic" map. 99% of you are probably wondering "Say what?" Well, its really not that hard, it is simply an Aesthetic map that features multiple, playable mini-mini-games. I say min-mini because these games are not what you expect, they are little games for you to play when you are bored, but you can play by yourself, or with a guest. They are not meant for large parties but to please the aesthetic nature of the map. If you would like to join a group dedicated to "Ministhetic" maps, or you make Mini-Game and/or Aesthetic map, then check out my sig or click this link: Ministhetic

    It features five playable, interlocked, game booths.

    First up is the Milk Bottles. To play, simply pick up a Power Drain(I accidently deleted the Radar Jammers on the map, its a money glitch map) and throw it at the barrels. There are two different sets of bottles, since the power drains explode after a few seconds you have to do both quickly(sorry). One try each.

    Second, we have Cone Shooting. Its more of a thought up game I guess. You have to pick up one of the Magnums and shoot at three of the (I believe) 16 cones. The idea is to find the hidden magnum under a cone. There are two magnums hidden. Note: Its sometimes hard to see the magnums when you knock over the cones, you may want to jump over the counter and check. Remember, three shots each.

    Third, we have the Strength Test. For this game you pick up one of the Grav Hammers and swing at the wire spool. If you get it all the way to the top, a Soccer Ball will be launched into some shield doors making a slight wizzing sound. The reason why you dont allways make it up everytime is that the reciever nodes are placed at a slight angle, making it take more tries.

    This is the "switch" at the top of the Strength Test. The Soccer Ball is very slightly on top of a Pallet which is very slightly below two mancannons which is very slightly below a shield door box.

    Fourth we have Basketball. For this game, simply pick up a plasma grenade and try to get it into the hoop.

    Lastly, we have the Dunk Tank, which requires at least two people. One person must stand on a small platform(Door) and throw a frag grenade through a small hole.

    The second person must stand on the front end of a pallet, accessible from the side of the Dunk Tank. To exit the Dunk Tank, simply take the Teleporter in the back, or to give it another go, jump up on the crate then back on the Pallet.
    The picture also shows the geomerged bleachers and stairs for watching the Dunk Tank. It also shows another building, which Ill talk about later.

    The "switch" that activates this isnt really much of a switch at all, its just a propane tank hitting into two fusion coils destroying the Pallet.

    Now for more Aesthetic features there is also a Back Alley behind the mini games. Accessible through this alley, between Cone Shooting and the Strength Test.

    Once back there, you may be lucky enough to find some thrown away prizes, alot of trash, or something(s) even cooler.

    We also have The Bar and Grill. The Bar and Grill features a Bar and a Grill.

    Last but not least, we have the Ticket Redemption Booth.

    Also, the map has three "easter eggs". One of which is a Flamethrower.
    And a...
    [No Picture, Itll give it away]

    Good luck, get enough tickets and you may even be able to buy my favorite weapon!

    Just remember, the map may have playable games on it, but it is in the Aesthetic section. It is not meant to give you hours of enjoyment, but to simply cure a sudden wave of boredom with your friends.

    All of my maps are unique in design. Originality is a must in a map, that combined with great aesthetics and a plan makes a map. Check out my four other maps, each of which have never been done before.

    • The Carnival///☺\\\(Currently Viewing): A Ministhetic map that houses five different carnival games. Each is playable and is exactly like its' counterpart in real life.

    1. Milk Bottles: Step right up and grab yourself a power drain. Can you knock down the stack of barrels?
    2. Cone Shooting: With only three shots of your magnum, can you find the hidden gun under the sixteen cones?
    3. Test of Strength: Pick up a grav hammer and test your strength! Hit the wire spool as hard as you can and try to knock the soccer ball into the wizzing machine.
    4. Basketball: Three stickies for $2, three stickies for $2! Can you get two points?!
    5. Dunk Tank: Get up on the platform and grab a nade. Get it through the hole and knock down your guest!​

    • 2008 Foundry Olympics: Yet another ministhetic map comprised of three minigames all inspired by the Olympics! Not to mention a FULLY working torch, that you light just at the Chinese did in the Olympics! The torch even stays lit in a constant loop, no fusion coils used!

    1. Hurdles: Can you clear the teleporters while running around in an oval? What if you had 200% gravity?! Go around three times and see who is the fastest of your friends!
    2. Skeet: One man throws the tripmines into the cannons, the other snipes the little discs as they go flying by. Best of ten wins!
    3. Fencing: Grab a sword and try and hit your friend is this round of Epees! Feint, Lunge and Swipe!

    • Trapnesium: The zombie has taken over the control board! Escape the streets and get to higher ground. Watch out though! The zombie has found out how to use the automated defense systems!

    1. The Jumps: The zombie has opened up two pits in the path! Jump to the other side, watch out though you have higher gravity in this alternated world!
    2. Wall of Pallets: The zombie has found the lever! Watch out for the truck that shoots from the wall, it might be your end!
    3. Loop Coil: Time your run and get behind the S.H.I.E.L.D.! The explosion keeps falling, it may push you over the edge!
    4. Grav Truck: Cross this perilous bridge carefully! The purple button might just send oncoming traffic your way!
    5. Trash Shooter: The red and blue buttons control the trash system. Seems the zombie has turned these dumpsters against you!
    6. Last but Not Least: Choose your path wisely! One leads to certain death, and the zombie chooses which one!
    The Door Room: One door brings you to another in this room of FFA madness! Grenades are everywhere and the explosions never stop! And get this! The chandelier has been replaced with a Rocket Launcher!

    #1 Soldier62994, Aug 17, 2008
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
    Sqorck and Gamer720 like this.
  2. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    That weapon is at the bottom is awesome. Nice minigames/aesthetic combo. Maybe a second one with new minigames? Good job, 5/5.
  3. I KILL U 765

    I KILL U 765 Ancient
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    This map is sweet I like all the minigames. 5/5 because you made so many games.
  4. jedi eli

    jedi eli Ancient
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    Ooh! This so cool. This map has almost everything I could want to use in a theme park. I can't wait to play it. And nice interlocking, too.
  5. a P3Rson

    a P3Rson Ancient
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    dude, ive never seen a carnival on foundry before,so to me this is creative. i love the minigames, especially the dunk tank lol. if we find all the people like you who make creative stuff like this and band them together it'd be a minigame team. keep forging, i wanna see more ideas from you
  6. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    I was planning on making a second one, only that one was going to be more ride themed, unfortunately most of them wouldnt be accessible.
  7. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    Nice ideas on all the mini-games, this is a very nice aesthetic map, the best I have seen in a while. Nothing needs fixing from my point of view. Keep making maps! 5/5
  8. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    Nice its seems well thought out and the games all work well would be good on splitscreen the booths are neat and it dosen't seem like it would break easily well done
  9. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Wow these are very clever! I would have never thought of making these minigames they are fantastic and unique. Not only have you made minigames but you have themed the map as a carnivle.

    The second one I thought was genios and a great way to play my friends. The unk tank I thought not only looked fun but it would be funny too! Is there teleporters leading to outside the map under the duck tank? I think it would be very entertaining to watch our die after we threw a perfct grenade the a hole.

    I only have good things to say about the map. I think you did a fantastic job choosing the games and they look origonal fun and they look great!

    I am very impressed sir. I have to download and playthese with my friends. I absolutaly hate anybody who gives you anything but a 5/5 Amazing work!
  10. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the great replies. And BlueDevil, no there arent, but the map still has items left for placing, feel free to edit it as you see fit. The MoneyGlitch items are behind the Double Box wall next to the Dunk Tank. And if anyone wants the picture of the giant gun, its in my fileshare.
  11. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    Me and my friends are going to place this right now. This is amazing!
  12. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    0 is the best carnival-themed map ever! Great work on the mini games, and you put in the things that every carnival has: cheap food and dirty alleys. Nice thinking with the dunk tank. 5/5
  13. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    It may be over elaborate but I think you should make each challenge a switch that eventually makes one big stitch active and then you get to go to the prize room.
    is that clear or do I need to reword it¿
  14. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    I understand what you saying, but that would put in more and more honor rules.
  15. Graver

    Graver Ancient
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    It all seems to work the right way. From Geo-Merging to minigames, you got it ALL the right way. Great job, and good luck for future carnival games. 5/5
  16. Vengeful C

    Vengeful C Ancient
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    This looks really fun. I'll Download.
  17. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    this is really cool. i like this map alot. ill DL this once i get the chance
  18. sangheili dude

    sangheili dude Ancient
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    This map sounds like fun im downloading
  19. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    it is kind of a a playable map but it is totally different type of playable one i like it i would really put this under minigames thought because it has so many minigames in it
  20. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    Holy crap this is one creative map dude nice job.

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