well obviously it's editted, but yeah its hard to tell. other than the fact that the imperial fleet isn't invading San Francisco right now.
oh yeah. being enslaved sounds cool. unless they'd join us. and then the US would own the earth. idk how cool that'd be. one things for sure though:
That was actually really cool. The editing was amazing and the quality of the different objects were great, so they looked pretty real there.
What's weird about that. Here on Alderaan the moon always looks like a big space station. Ooh that is interesting... it is glowing green... EPIC_FAIL...TRANSMISSION_INTERRUPTEDXXXFATAL_ERROR
That's pretty awesome. Some parts were pretty easy to pic out as CG, but for the most part, it was pretty convincing and realistic-looking.
I had a hard time believing the shuttle but other than that, very well edited. I would have gone with a Halo theme but Star Wars is equally awesome.