
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by IcedFrappuccino, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    please, comment and rate!

    Co-Created by:


    Hello there again fellow forgers. Today myself and Joe are here to bring you our lastest and greatest creation. You might know us from a previous map that we created, Margaritaville. After making that map, Joe and I decided that we were going to be forge partners. We started on a map a few weeks ago, but unfortunately, Joe got the RRoD.

    He recently got his xbox back and we didn't lose a beat. We got right on to making this map and what a map it turned out to be!

    You guys may be thinking, "Wait, I thought this guy named his maps after songs?" Well, we did start off naming this map after the song "Exodus" by Bob Marley, but when we created the middle stucture in this map, a new name surfaced. It fits the map perfectly.

    JukeboX is an asymetrical map, that supports all gametypes except for infection. It is made for up to parties of 2-6. So, 3v3 games work. It features interlocking, loads of geo, and floating objs for smooth gameplay. The middle structure in the map, will have you saying "oooh" and "ahhh" when you first play. There are different levels, hallways, and tunnels in this map. The picha's will show you more than I can say though :D

    Weapon Loadout
    6x BR-10 Sec-2 Clip
    2x SMG-45 sec-1 Clip
    4x AR-30 sec-2 Clip
    1x Energy Sword-120 Sec
    1x Sentinel Beam-150 Sec
    1x Beam Rifle-120 Sec
    6x Plasma-10 Sec
    4x Frag-10 Sec
    1x Regenerator-60 Sec
    1x Bubble Shield-60 Sec

    Straight up overview of the middle structure. *Note* It may look crooked, but that is because of my poor screenshot taking skills. It is straight :D

    On top of the middle structure

    "Monster Teeth Ridge"

    Overview of tunnel entrances

    One of the tunnel entrances

    Overview of the south of the map and an upper level hallway

    Where the Beam Rifle Spawns

    Overview of the north of the map and another upper hallway and catwalk

    An indepth pic of the catwalk

    The other entrance to the tunnels. *Note* I don't make good flashing arrows

    A side tunnel

    Action Shots

    Someone is getting double teamed!

    Neutral bomb detonation

    I r noscope mastar!

    Double stick!

    R. Kelly, being naughty...

    A nice effect, I guess


    I just want to thank you guys in advance, for checking out our map! I know you will like it!

    The funnest gametypes to play on this map, have to be: FFA Slayer, 3v3 Nuetral Bomb, and Crazy King.

    LoL. I think that it took me longer to make some of these pics and this map post, than it did for us to make the map! I just like a pretty map post, I guess.

    Remember to play with a party size of 2-6 players. Any more than that and someone is spawning out of the map!

  2. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks like a cool map, with nice interlocking and well though out design, especially in the pic after toth ridge...with the incave design...i like it alot! 4/5 i dont really like the centerpiece though
  3. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    This a very good map in my opinion. Love the center structure. It features a unique design and the gameplay looks like a blast. You guys really impressed me with this one. How large is the map ( like how much of foundry does it take up ). There could be a feature coming your way ( possibly IDK if it's THAT good ). 5/5.
  4. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    It isn't the biggest map in the world, but it does take up a good portion of the middle of foundry. I know this won't get featured. FH only features maps that are made by staff and staff members friends. They don't care to feature other maps, than their own, too often.
    Debo37 likes this.
  5. Bloodydagger1

    Bloodydagger1 Ancient
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    Looks sweet dude! Definately download worthy of a slot of my 100 map max :), nice job, 5/5
  6. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    i like this map the center peice helps brighten up the increasingly boring foundry colour scheme the rest of the map is well laid out very neat original areas,good size good cover and the weapons are balanced and the arrows look good
    the post is also very nice the screens really give a good impression of the layout 4/5

    and you are right about the features you{and I} will probably get - for pointing that out i did last time I mentioned it
  7. Graver

    Graver Ancient
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    Everything in this map looks great. I'm glad to actually see someone use a sentinal beam in a map too. The "Jukebox" really brings some color to this otherwise dull Foundry. The geomerged tunnels, Monster Teeth Ridge, and weapon placements all look like the work well. Nice job.
  8. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Your comment about featured maps is SO TRUE, Frappy. =D

    Anyway, the map looks great from the screenshots, and the center structure is really groovy. I might use something like that in a future map if I get the chance, the idea's so damn good.

    The geomerging is spot-on, the interlocking is great, and the overall structure of the map is very curvy, which is a nice break from all of the angular maps these days. The flow of the map is superb, and the only negative thing I can say is that the BR seems a bit too dominant. Seeing as you meant for it to be that way, I won't deduct any points from my 5/5 score for you. Great map, keep making more, and I'll cya on LGN!
  9. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    The jukebox reminds me of guitar hero's guitar track, so that would make you a Jukebox hero! My only concern is that the size of the map, the sword may become overpowering especially comboed with the bubble shield. You deserve the stars in your eyes (Foreigner references ftw).
    #9 Speed-e-cake, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2008
  10. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Thanks for the comment! We put a lot of BR's on the map, so that people wouldn't have to use the AR the whole time.
  11. DeadeyeForge

    DeadeyeForge Ancient
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    The map design is good but I don't know about the game play for Attacker/Defender Objective games such as bomb or capture the flag. It seems like it would only take around 10 seconds to make a capture. Otherwise, slayer I think would be fun on this map. 5/5 on geometry and basic interlocking. I'll try objective games on it now and I'll tell you if I change my mind on what I said. Clean post too, 5/5 on that.
  12. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    This looks very fun I am downloading and playing doubles on it!

    From the pics I can see many aeslthic features that make this map stand out. I am specifically talking about the teeth ridge which I think is very origonal and creative, the custom powerups used in the middle and the immaculate geoglitching which is used as cover. I think this map looks very good :)
  13. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Yeah, CTF matches are pretty quick, but I played a 2v2 Neutral bomb game and it was actually difficult and it took awhile to win.
  14. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Spot the cool dude.

    I've played on it a few times when I snuck into your games, and game play lacks to be perfectly honest. I love your obsession with powerups and how you've incorporated them into a pretty aesthetic centerpiece, but being forced to crouch jump to get on top of it is a definite negative attribute to game play, no Bungie made maps will ever force you to crouch jump as the only way to get to a certain area conventionally and nor should you. BR battles are quite fun on this with the abundance of cover around, but some areas seem a bit of an afterthought; the A-Sign tunnel, each area where the boundaries are *just* wide enough for you to pass through, etc. This irks me personally, but hey, you know me. The map has overall great geometry and use, but there are many things that keep it from being outstanding.

    I'm sure you'd like to release this as is, but I do have a few suggestions to make if you ever want to create a "V2" of this or actually don't mind implementing a few of said suggestions before release.

    - Lower the Fence Box centerpiece farther into the ground, to remove the need to crouch jump. You've already merged it, you can definitely go farther.
    - Any area that nearly clotheslines the player through movement, just open up those tiny areas a bit more.
    - Increase the spawn time on the Sword and add more attention to the beam rifle, which is for the most part an ignored weapon on the map.
    - That spiky window panel area? That is completely ignored, find a way to draw attention there whether it be by spawning or other means.

    This comment is completely fail. For example, if one of the Loyal members sees a thread they see as deserving of a feature, they take it up with other members of equal or greater status to see if others agree. If everyone agrees, it will be featured in due time. You can also look at all the premium members for more example, they are not Staff - just normal members with a pretty name.

    But thanks for playing. :D
  15. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    I'm really not sure about this map..... i dont really like the "monster tooth ridge" seems kind of out of place and if having too many people means spawning out of the map then that is a problem you should fix. Just make sure it works for 16 even though it isnt recommended.
  16. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    You are an idiot. I don't even need to say why I don't need to make it for 16 players.


    I believe I did say "Staff's friends" Ask anyone that isn't a loyal or staff and they would agree.
  17. SYkOP4Th

    SYkOP4Th Ancient
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    The has alot of asethetic features like the Jukebox and the monster tooth ridge and I think it makes your map stand out. I havent played on it yet so I dont know about gameplay but for now 4/5.
  18. Joe Cool 58

    Joe Cool 58 Ancient
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    I think these will defintely be taken into consideration if we ever think about making a V2. Thanks.
  19. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    I was looking at our map, thinking about geomerging the center piece down, but I think the powerups might get in the way...
  20. Icecikle

    Icecikle Ancient
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    I like the layout and the nice and colorful center piece for this map. Its deffinatly different than the regular color scheme and looks like it would play well.

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