Earlier this morning, I was watching one of my friends play Halo 3, and I noticed that team color usually didn't matter when it came to which side you spawned on a map. I couldn't think of any logical reason, until I though of this theory. It seems that a team's color was chosen based on the expectations of the Match Making system of Halo 3. In the case of Halo 3, players on Red team were expected to win, and players on Blue team were expected to lose. In Social MM, this is much simpler to understand. if you are on Red team, your team is expected to win. If you were on Blue team, you were expected to lose. You obivously want to be on Red team. However, when taking this theory in account into Ranked Matchmaking, it gets more complicated. Red team is still expected to win, and Blue team is still expected to lose, nothing on that has changed. Team color in Ranked MM helps you determine how much your skill goes up or down. If you are on Red team, you are expected to win. If you win, your Skill level doesn't go up much. If you lose, your Skill goes down rapidly. Blue team has a different story in Ranked MM. If you're on Blue team and lose, your Skill doesn't go down much. However, if you win, your skill goes up rapidly. However, it is harder to accomplish the goal of winning on Blue team because the game expects you to lose, based on your teammates' Skill. The bottom line is, you want to be Red team in Social MM, and Blue team on Ranked. UPDATE: For those of you who are scratching your heads, or believe this theory amounts to BS, here is a post I quoted from later in this thread that cleared up most confusion:
In that thread about your color and how it might help you camouflage yourself, Draw the Line mentioned that people who were on Red team, as a statistic, won more than Blue team. I believed that it was because Red team has better players, or so believes the Matchmaking system, and thus, the MM system expects Red team to win more than Blue team, which leads to how well you rank up.
Totally BS. The color of the team doesn't effect a players skill, and therefore it doesn't change the outcome of the game.
actually this is true, in MLG the team with the higher rank is on the red team. These rules were taken from bungie facts.
i really still don't understand why red team is expected to win.. i mean theres the statistic of that but... obviously one team is going to win more than the other... it would be completely impossible for them to be exactly equal.. but i don't think that means that red team is better...
Just because statistically red wins more, it doesn't take into account the players' individual skill levels. In a month blue could be averaging more wins. It's never going to be even so you can't just judge like that.
Did you even read? Are you retarded? The player's skill affects the player's colour. Not the other way around
Sorry, but I just proved you wrong, played 10 games of Grifball, 8 as Blue, 2 as red. Won them all. Its all about skill, colours are for girls (no offense).
You sir. Are an idiot. That's grifball. Player skill makes pretty much no difference. All you have to do is swing your hammer around. Especially since most people are messing around when they play it, trying to get multi kills. Grifball is not a suitable playlist to test this theory in..
Rofl, no, I am not retarded and yes, I did read. His explanation was not clear and I thought he was saying that red is more likely to win JUST BECAUSE but not because it had more skilled people.