Onyx Facility

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by DimmestBread, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Onyx Facility
    Created by DimmestBread

    Download Onyx Facility Here

    Supported Gametypes:
    Supports All gametypes

    Map Description
    Onyx Facility is a map created on blackout soley for gameplay. I thought that blackout was too open and it didn't flow well enough. A lot of cover has been added as well as two giant walls, one on the side of BR tower and the other on the elbow. Many jumps have been added to various positions on the map to make gameplay flow better. I made more balanced weapons for the map itself and for each gametype as I used the symmetry option like crazy. I also switched around all of the spawns. Symmetrical gametypes have one team spawn in the BR tower and one team spawn at the sniper tower. Asymmetrical gametypes have one team spawn in the library and one in the lift tower. Depending on the gametype, the weapons change.

    x1 Rocket Launcher | Symmetrical | 180 sec respawn | 1 spare clip

    x1 Shotgun | Both | 180 sec respawn | 2 spare clips

    x1 Sword | Asymmetrical | 180 sec respawn | N/A

    x2 Plasma Rifle
    x1 Bottom lift | Both | 45 sec respawn | 2 spare clips
    x1 BR 2 | Asymmetrical | 45 sec respawn | 2 spare clips

    x3 Magnum
    x1 Library | Both | 30 sec respawn | 2 spare clips
    x1 Sniper elbow | Symmetrical |30 sec respawn |2 spare clips
    x1 Elbow | Asymmetrical | 30 sec respawn | 2 spare clips

    x4 SMG
    x2 Suicide room | Both | 30 sec respawn | 2 spare clips
    x2 Bottom lift | Asymmetrical | 30 sec respawn | 2 spare clips

    x2 Brute Spiker | Both | 30 sec respawn | 2 spare clips

    x2 Carbine | Both | 10 sec respawn | 2 spare clips

    x5 Battler Rifle
    x4 Top/bottom snipe,Top lift,Top BR | Both |10 sec respawn | 2 spare clips
    x1 Bottom library | Symmetrical | 10 sec respawn | 2 spare clips

    x4 Frag Grenade
    x2 Library | Both | 20 sec respawn
    x2 Elbow | Both | 10 sec respawn

    x6 Plasma Grenade
    x2 Bottom snipe | Symmetrical | 20 sec reswpawn
    x2 Bottom lift | Asymmetrical | 20 sec respawn
    x2 Bottom BR | Both | 10 sec respawn

    x1 Overshield | Symmetrical | 150 sec respawn


    Here are the major changes that I made to the map:

    The wall added to the BR tower for more cover and additional cover was added.

    The wall added to the elbow for more cover.

    The jump added at the bottom of the lift. Allows you to go from bottom to top.

    Added for aesthetic purposes and the area that the stairs are on is now used more often.

    Cover added to the sniper tower.

    Cover added to the lift tower.

    Cover added to Library door.

    Jumps added:

    Jump from BR 2 to BR 3.

    Two jumps added from snipe 1 to snipe 2.

    Action shots:

    Me using the lift jump.

    Use various ledges added to the map for sneaky surprises.

    Action shot 1

    Action shot 2

    Action shot 3


    Thanks to all of my friends for testing and sorry for the really confusing weapon list. Hope you enjoy the map.
    #1 DimmestBread, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2008
  2. Bloodydagger1

    Bloodydagger1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks cool, least you used interlocking :) 3.5/5
  3. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Erm, why did you place those large walls, they do not seem to offer much protection. This is actually a good tune-up of Blackout. It definitely looks like this would play better in a regular slayer and etc. I'm impressed you managed to achieve such a stunt, It's not easy doing this.
  4. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Those are great add-ons, I really annoys me that all the catwalks on Blackout are so open...
    The Interlocking on the sides looks like the walls are greatly balanced for Interlocking.
    And does the Stairs make much difference?
    I figured that will be a new camping spot, not sure though.
    I''ll DL and see if it plays better then the old one.

    Alot of simple remakes on base maps today...
  5. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I didn't want people on the outside of BR to be shot from the top lift and it blocks out some of the elbow and the elbow was basically a death walk half the time you went on it. it aslo feels like you are more protected when you walk by it. And thanks.
  6. Graver

    Graver Ancient
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    Looks much better than the normal Blackout. The new jumps make everything easier and better. Just needs the walls you added on the sides to be cleaned up a bit, but it won't change gameplay anyway. The new walls on the sides really make everything better so that you can't get killed every single time you try to get to the top of the tower. Anyways, great job.
  7. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map looks better than the original because there are more to the map and also it looks like it will play better
  8. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It alsmost seems that you added too much cover, BRing may become difficult in some situations but the more hectic feel is nice change to Blackout and since every other Blackout maps that isn't floating platforms/skybase are pretty weak maps this is one that stands out from the crowd.
  9. DeadeyeForge

    DeadeyeForge Ancient
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    Hey I think you should have left out the walls, but that's customized to your map. Otherwise, the doors just make Blackout a lot better of a map, because it always seems when i play its too hard to run once you start getting BRed because the little yellow side ridges only rise about 1 wall on its side high. Nice job I think this would be really fun. 5/5.
  10. Fly

    Fly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Seems like a map that I would play. I love maps that have only tiny extra features, but still increases competitiveness. Nicely done.

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