I was thinking of making a new gamertag, but it has to be original (no #'s) and if i decide to do it, i need all you guys to avoid me for my gamertag for a week or so, then you can prefer me =) I MIGHT NOT CHANGE IN CASE U LIKE FIRSTXBOXKID THE BEST! You guys have any ideas?
New Name001 If you have a nice idea for a name, and its taken, try putting i at the start. It looks pretty sweet.
cool that sounds cool, but can i have more suggestions, ive been thinking, and havent come up with much. they all suck...examples:Evon the yukon, firstxboxnoob, etc... they all suck
I think people will get in trouble for avoiding you w/o reason. It's some sort of tampering and I don't think its allowed.
not really If you avoid someone, and say that you are avoiding them for an unpleasent gamertag, XBox live will let you change it for free. then if you change it and have everyone prefer you, Xbox will think that your gamertag is better now, and that everyone is happy now that you changed it. my friend has done this 5 times now, about to do his 6th, his name is "iTz CarToonz" and he hasnt gotten a refraction from XBL. Suicide chicken sounds cool.
ye matt i thought you would say that or should i say iprojex, like i said in other gamer tag threads, pick something that means allot to you, think of something classic or you can go personal so that you won't have to ever change it again, e.g your last name. here's a suggestion: GunGrave the name of a very old awesome PS2 shoot em up, or you could keep your Microsoft points and wait till your in a very good devoted clan and change your name, honestly i don't like doing that because if something happened than your screwed but everyone seems to be doing it these days. hope this helped
I thought of the gamertag CheetoFritoEato. I gave it to my brother though, so you could always make CheetoDoritoEato or add a Burrito in there somewhere. I like rymes.
New idea! i dont know if this is already being used but... "yeah we like waffles" FTW! YouTube - DO YOU LIKE WAFFLES?!
You need x's before your tag, you need to use numbers as letters, and you need to have a bunch of capitol and lowercase letters. Once you have that your tag won't need anything else.
I've always thought that David Miliband would be a pretty funny GT, purely for randomness' sake. If you know who that is then you'll get it, but otherwise it might seem a tad obscure.
xx1337D3wDGUYxx64561465198. Kidding. What I did with my name, is I truly just sat down for an hour or so and just thought of a name that sounded really interesting. If you play Oblivion, WoW, etc., name it after a character in there. If you play Halo, Mass Effect, or something, you could research to find a not-that important character and use that. Like the name of a UNSC Frigate or something.
that's a lie. i hate that. just do something original that describes you. not something that'll be funny when it says "_______" killed you. and not something that overplays your skill. i had a friend named "god o halo" that sucked. and it was sorta funny. we were laughing at him
I Squeak, I am a squeaker, Iamasqueaker, whatspuberty, littlekid, jailbait, IRlittlekid. Those would all fit you well.
Good idea! I like that idea a ton. researching halo 3 to find a name of one of the spartans or something would be great. however, i do not know where to find this information. i was going to google it, and wiki it. anything else i can do? or does someone have one of the halo 3 books and they know some stuff.
Well, the books are a good idea, but Halopedia is what I was talking about. (Link). In the sidebar there's a category called Inside the Universe, there's some pretty neat stuff in there, like information on both game and book characters. Or you could just use the random page function until you stumble upon something cool. Also, a list of known Frigates from there: UNSC Aegis Fate · UNSC Alliance · UNSC Arabia · UNSC Commonwealth · UNSC Euphrates · UNSC Fair Weather · UNSC Forward Unto Dawn · UNSC Gettysburg · UNSC Gorgon · UNSC In Amber Clad · UNSC Meriwether Lewis · UNSC Midsummer Night · UNSC Paris · UNSC Redoubtable · UNSC Tannenberg · UNSC Vostok And a list of known Destoryers: UNSC Brasidas · UNSC Glasgow Kiss · UNSC Heracles · UNSC Iroquois · UNSC Iwo Jima · UNSC Resolute · UNSC Tharsis Hope that helps! Personally, I think Forward Unto Dawn, Midsummer Night, or In Amber Clad would be kind of neat, but I bet they're all taken.
Wonderful. thank you so much. i will keep all those links. thank you so much. great refrences. just what i was looking for.
ya lol. I love it when we own people whose names are MLG iamwalshy, iTz pro and ****. Personally i hate it when people have iTz in their name. I dunno why, its just gay.