What’s the best way to waste away money? Why, build a huge (and I mean HUGE) ****ing Gundam, of course! Of course, it depends on your point of view. According to the SciencePortal website, building a real Gundam would cost millions of dollars, about $0.7 billion to be exact. It’s not stated whether it is actually possible (or not) though, so keep your fingers crossed. But there’s a high chance it may never happen. Why, you ask? It’s based around a single point: What’s the point? If you think about it, a Gundam wouldn’t actually serve much purpose in the world today, especially since the $0.7 billion price tag doesn’t cover any support for weaponry or flight, so all we have is a lumbering Gundam that only theoretically works, and as we all know technology is never 100% perfect about anything. Aside from that, the money could be used to fund some other cheaper (and yet more efficient) projects, or maybe utilized for a completely different use altogether. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed though. XD grocery list:Aluminum alloy (honeycomb) x 43,875 $79,000,000 Manufacturing & processing the alloy $240,000,000 Main computer $1,550,000 Gas turbine engines (GE) x 7 $364,000,000 Superconductive motors (IHI) x 30 $7,800,000 Motor drivers x 30 $7,800,000 Reducers x 30 $22,800,000 Sensors $910,000 Cockpit $450,000 Total $724,310,000 *stolen from some blog*
I'f I become a billionare, I'm getting a gundam. And I'll take over America, then Canada, then the world!!!! Muahahahaha. I'd think making a giant mechanical robot would could more then $5 billion. Wow.
Why do they waste money... I hope it's not America Funding this project... 0.7 billion could help out a lot of other people.
See, that $0,7 billion price tag is the only thing stopping me from theoretically stomping around the front yards of millions of Houston residents right now.
Yeah it is a waste of money, but hey, we need to experiement, pretty cool though, really if it's gonna work.
Yeah i can imagine it rushing towards a city, someone sees it and 10 minutes later national guard is there and a single tank shot tackles it. There goes 700 million dollars gg!
What's wrong with researching a gundam. 700 million dollars is only a fraction of a cost that it takes to afford a war or something else big. I think that we better make one before this guy gets one of these
Gundams aren't efficient weapons, I agree with some of you in saying "wow that's cool" cause it really is cool. However if the plan is to make one of these a weapon well then I'm sorry to tell you that the gundam is going to get it's butt handed to it by a much more efficient weapon of war, the tank, or the airplane...or even a dude with a rocket launcher...
Lol Roche, that's the simple truth. Even though it would be a total waste of money; if I had an extra bank account lying around or two and I'd already donated to a bunch of charities, I'd just build one to go on cruises on Sundays. Lol.
Think of the 0.0001 mpg gas consumption. Yes, you probably can't go a mile with a single gallon of gas in it. Add on the money you have to spend to fill-er-up. Might as well build an army of Priuses, armed with missle launchers that lock on to certain targets. I agree with the title of this thread, it is pointless. C'mon, an Animation in a movie would be cheaper than actually making one. We don't have nearly the technology to create one that could fly around and slash energy swords at each other. A nuke would easily kill ten of those things.