Xtermination Created by: xMiDgEt MaN92x Games Supported: All Gametypes Recommended Players: 4-16 Xtermination is a map that I made for all gametypes. It features a Sniper Tower, a 3 story building, an X in the middle of the map and more. It is great for free-for-all but is still good for teams. Leave me feedback so I can make improvements in later versions and maps. Overview of Xtermination The X in Xtermination. The Sniper Tower Sword Spawn DOWNLOAD Xtermination
Looks rather sloppy in some parts. Also, don't take your pictures in Forge mode; it looks unprofessional as the object indicators and spawn points appear. It looks alright, not bad for what I assume to be your first map. I rather like the general shape of the map. 3/5.
Yup thx, yah its not my first map, but it is one of my first maps. It may be a bit sloppy, but i'll work on fixin that up some other time. Thx 4 the feedback I appreciate it.
Looks fun, for infection that is. I really like the idea, and the X in the center looks kewl too. 5/5
I assume the pics are gone because you are retaking them in theatre? Or my comp is messed up, will review later.
Hello! Welcome to ForgeHub! Here at FH we have some standards for posting a map. You can read these standards, Here. Please fix your post in the next 24 hours that way everyone can enjoy your map! p.s.-Noone else post "Not up to standards" replies or you will be reported for spam. I cannot see the screens, can anyone else? EDIT: Nevermind, you were just updating the pics sorry for the confusion
i don't see what standards i missed, can you point it out 2 me, if you are talking about the pics i just updated them its fine now.
O, you want a review, you'll get a hell of a review from me. Ok, let's begin with the interlocking. Interlocking is the largest and most important thing to have in a map these days at forgehub. Without interlocking your chances of a download are significantly reduced, so that would be your first priority, interlock the map. Now the second problem is the usage of immovable objects, is it just me or is every object placed immovable, you need to add a couple of movable objects for Aesthetics and of course a little bit of temporary cover. Let's just say you are dying so you duck behind a crate, if the guy has a grenade he can throw it and get the kill, if not then he might miss the kill. If it is a double box then a grenade won't do much. So add a little bit of movable objects. The next problem is Aesthetics and use of objects. All I see are random buildings, this is a clear sign that you built the map as you thought it out. Not good at all in my opinion. Try to make everything look like one piece, this will look very professional and increase download rate. The Aesthetics, where is it. There is nothing that makes this look like anything, it's clearly obvious I am in foundry when I am playing this. Enclose the map is my only suggestion and make it resemble something. Another problem is weapon layout, did you even add weapons, I saw none in the picture. sorry to tell you this but I give your map a 1/5... Make a version 2 is all I can say, and better luck to your next map.
well im sorry its not up 2 ur standards but i like it. I didn't have enough budget 2 buy what i wanted 2 make the map bigger and i 4got 2 download that map b4 i started it so i wanted it to be bigger, and more intertwined, but i couldn't. Second of all, its a first version. Im gonna try 2 make more bigger better version. And its one of my first maps. Im sure your first map was amazing but i am still learning as i go.
Looks kinda sloppy but it still looks fun. You should add some interlocking and I agree with RadiantRain you should add some ascetics. 3/5
A good candidate for the lazy mapmakers contest! Good job! Nice idea and overall layout. Try adding some interlocking next time though.
I never said my map was amazing, and believe me... If it is not up to my standards then it is not up to most of everyone's standards. I was trying to give feedback that would benefit you tremendously... But now I am a bit pissed off. So now you are denying my help, why did I bother posting a two paragraph feedback if all your going to say is "I like it" If you need an infinite money map I can provide a link.
ehh 1/5 you dont to make some more stuff it looks too plain, and gamplay looks sad but just take what i said to make it better.
i agree with sexy dude, more cover would help people. the map is sloopy over most of the area and i see no interlocking. it was designed pretty nicely though.
The map is a little sloppy and I hate how you have to use interlocking to even get a second glance, but you have to so you should use it more. Also did you mean to leave the back rooms open?
no thx allready downloaded the infinite budget map. srry dude wsn't tryin 2 be a jerk or nothin but i wuz jst tryin 2 explain why it is lacking. to everyone: thx u everyone 4 the feedback. i am working on a new version. this was the draft. i posted it to see if ppl liked the idea of the map. I kno there is not alot of interlocking. i was just tryin 2 make a quicky and see hwo ppl respond 2 it. I am currenly workin on V.2 and it will hopefully have alot more cover, more interlocking, etc. This time around i am using the infinite budget map so i should be able 2 add more stuff. Trust me, i wanted 2 add more cover and stuff but i did what i could w/ my budget. thanks alot