Hullo folks! MattDGiant here with another hit! Or, so I hope! Ghostbowl is the result of a verrrryyy late night forging session. With my contacts burning my eyes after being in too long, my legs falling asleep, and my buttcheeks getting sore from sitting for so long, I began to forge freely. After about an hour, I had a pretty solid map. I named it Ghostbowl, and set about making the gametype. Seeing as nobody was online that late, or should I say early in the A.M?, I had to wait till the next day to test it out. And when I did, it was pretty damn fun! Without further ado, I give you.... GhostBowl -by MattDGiant 2-8 players Yea, pwnage. Description: GhostBowl is an assymetrical map that didn't take very long to make. Granted, its still body. Like, fer cereal, this map bodies newbs. Back on topic, GhostBowl is built with one thing in mind. Wait, dammit, nevermind. GhostBowl is built with TWO things in mind. Numero Uno: GHOST CARNAGE! ~and~ Numero Dos: RADICAL AIR! The Carnage- GhostBowl is all about the slaysauce. That is, Ghostbowl is all about slayer. Provided you download the proper gametype (Link further down the page) you should be set for a good time. The gametype is Slayer, with a few changes. Firstly, gravity is heavily increased and Speed is heavily decreased. This means, without a ghost, your a sitting duck. Also, starting weapons are magnums, but they don't do you much good. Secondly, the game is up to ten points. A normal kill will net you 1 point, but a splatter gives ya 2, so be on the lookout for the sneaky humans on foot. However, the most major change, and one that makes the game fun, is that everyone has 4x oversheilds that regenerate slowly. This makes out for longer, drawn-out ghost battles and chases over the jumps and leaps of this map. Gametype: Boo! Get it??? Boo! Like a GHOST!?!?!? THE RADICAL AIR! Dude, you can shred some totally gnarly gnar gnar air on dis map. Theres lots of jumps, boosts, and bumps that can send you flying. It is, truly, radical. Features- This map has lots of coolio things in it. It has a large bowl, witch is the the maps namesake. It has a ramp (WIN). The ramp leads up to The Ridge, and only a specially timed jump and boost will get you up there. However, it is really awesome up there so you should try hard. It also has the Hill. under the Hill is the Bounce Cannon, just drive into it and it will spice up your life a little bit. The map also has SHIELD DOORS!!!! to bounce your ghost around. Don't worry though, if a person goes behind there he can be easily flushed out. PITCHAS Overview Bowl Skirmish The Hill, with the Bounce Cannon Underneath... Rainin Bullets On Dem Hoes from THE RIDGE. Now, it is important to explain the RIDGE a little. It may look easy, but getting on the Ridge is noooo cigar. An untimed jump will often end up like this- OR THIS- BUT WITH A LITTLE PRACTICE- You'll be like this in no time. Creators Note- In all seriousness, I know people are going to take one look at this and say that it's too open, or its too simple, or things like that. And I beg of you, just try it out. Don't just judge this map before you play it. It's well forged, it's fun, just try it first. Oh, and if it wouldn't be too much of a hassle, comments and ratings on thread as well as this one would be mucho appreciated. Thanks. DOWNLOAD GHOSTBOWL HERE: GhostBowl Thanks, -MattDGiant
Lmao this looks sick, like a terrain park or skate park but for ghosts. Very creative idea, if that is indeed what you were going for lol. Looks solid i like how there are ramps and burms and **** good job!
Glad you two liked it, but I don't see any dls...? Please try it out and get back to me with some feedback.
Great thread… I can 100% understand why it is open, seriously only an idiot would say that it is too open. Great interlocking how could you say it is so simple, the platforms look like bowls… The game play is fun looking as well I have to say that the overall of the looks is 4/5 the game play looks like a 4/5 as well. And It looks like something I can play more then once which is really good. The Aesthetics… Wait there are none. You also have a great thread… Good amount of pictures, a good one minute read description of the game play and map… This is really good. Just so you know I would give your map a 5/5 but I can’t since I am warned. And I can’t download because my Xbox has a hardware malfunction. Dam I wish I had my Xbox.
Thanks for the great feedback Radiant, sorry bout your box. and KC, thanks again, tell me how it goes when you play.
Youngian, did you even play Ghostbowl 1??? Did you read my last little section about judging before you played it? Apparently not.
This looks like an inspiration from a map Battyman made floating on blackout, which essentially, may not be a bad thing. Come to think of it, that map kicked major ass and this looks to be as good! I love these maps where you can just go f***in crazy and have all out wars in vehicles (cuz vehicles are!!!!!) and this map appears to let me do that. KUDOS!!!!! Sadly however I cannot download this. My little cousin (cutest little guy you'll ever meet) was at my house cus I was babysittin him and we were having an all out war in my basement with beanie babies, pillows, etc. (he's a feisty little son-of-a-gun) and my copy of Halo happened to be sitting out and made for prime cannon fodder. Now there's a nice ol scratch down the side and my uncle said he'd repay me. Plus, I needed to replace it anyways, the piece of crap kept freakin crashing on me. P.S. That first pic is teh pure entity of awesomeness. High flying t-bone=winsauce.
This is awesome. It looks simple yet theres a layer of complexity about it. I can understand why you would need open spaces although to spice up the map you could put tele lights! everyone loves those.
Wow, a map with no aesthetics that's fun? No way. You, good sir, are talented. This is the only simple map that I've ever had fun on. 5/5 for being completely original.
Yea, in wrestling, its all fun and games until your halo disk gets scratched. lol, thanks for the nice comment. V2 anyone? Thanks for the idea. I'm very glad you liked it.
OMG the game it was extremely fun it was so fun i can't stop!now this deserves 5/5 Dude keep up with the great mini games!
Yea, 8 people is the maximum amount, cuz theres only 8 ghosts. However, having 8 is definetly the most fun.