Gimp tutorials

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aaronator, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    Hello fellow forgehubbers, this thread that i have made/making is going to boost your ablilities at making making signtures. In it I will explain many ways to add thing to your sig.

    Table of Contents
    -Flaming Background
    -Solar Eclipse
    -more to come


    Flaming Background
    -First you go to filters and down to render then to clouds and click difference clouds.
    -From there you put x size at 16.0 and y size at 2.0
    -Then make sure turbulent and radomize are on.
    -Click OK
    -Now go to colors and down to color balance (might be at the top of the color menu)
    -Click shadows and put that on completely red
    -Then click midtones and put that all the way to red and all the way to yellow.
    -Then click highlights and only put that on yellow.
    -Then click OK and you should get a nice flame background

    (I'm coming out soon with a more complicated flame background)

    Solar Eclipse
    -First color the background black.
    -make sure your two colors are black and white
    -Ok go to paintbrish and select the biggest normal circle you have(NOT faded edges)
    -Pick the color white and put the scale at 10.00 (or just where it will barely fit in sig)
    -Now with the same circle take away about 1.00-1.50 from original size.
    -Change the color to black and place the second smaller circle in the bigger one but not in the center, closer to one part of the edge of the circle(lower right works really good).
    -Now go to blur and put the rate at about 70 and blur the edge of the now white ring.
    -Next go to the smudge tool.
    -Change brush type to a FUZZY brush.
    -Turn fade on and put it on 100px
    -Then smudge the white out to the black(DON'T smudge the white towards center).
    -Once done go to paint keep it on a fuzzy circle brush.
    -Turn the color to white.
    -Turn scale to about 5.00
    -Find the widest area on the white ring.
    -Click 3 times there with the paintbrush.
    -You can then go to filters>light and shadow>lens flare and pick a lens flare and add to the white part you just added to the ring

    #1 Aaronator, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  2. version2

    version2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you forgot animation
  3. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like he's still making the tutorials, be patient

    Ps: why is the Graphics and Arts forum so dried up today?
  4. version2

    version2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Idon't know maybe cause school just stated for half of the country.
  5. Draxfear

    Draxfear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    School just started? I just started my summer holiday lol. What country are you in?
  6. version2

    version2 Ancient
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