Off the top of my head, my favorite video game character would probably be Carmine (Gears of War) for his courageousness on the battle field yet he has to die in the early part of Gears of War.
Obvious. Arbiter no questions asked. he is just so bad ass and was awesome in Arby n chief also, whos nickname is ARBY? COOLEST EVAH!
in the level crows nest during the cinemtatic, theres this one guy with bandages over his eyes so he can't see the masterchief. seems like he needs a pick me up. he's my favorite character.
Yeah and his last words were "Hey I think my weapon is broken can you check it???" I heard he's coming back in Gears 2 but it was from wikipedia so who knows?
seriously guys.... these are all no good.. no one can beat COLE TRAIN!!!!!!!!! who doesnt love cole train!?1!!? he is the bestest in the world. seriously he is my favorite by far. the next would have to be peach because one: she is awesome, and two: when she gets hit into the fence in super mario strikers, she sounds like she is being raped