: Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This map you will absolutely love. The gameplay on this is frenetic. This map is inspired by bomberman and is a must download. Its dimensions are 7x5 rows with each row being almost one single box wide, the entire game is played in crouch. In each four corners are two spawns assigned to each team in which you will spawn in a small capsule that you crouch out of, there is no possiblity for spawn camping as for the first 3 seconds you are invulnerable so during gameplay try not to linger too close to the other teams spawns as it is dangerous. You start off with plasma pistols and can kill in around 6 shots. However in the middle of each edge is a fuel rod gun-spawn rate 60 secs- which is a one hit kill if you are hit straight on. There is one trip mine-spawn rate 10 secs- in front of each four spawn corners, even though you are crouch the speed is increased so at full crouch speed you will easily set off the trip mines. For added protection while in the centre of the map there is a deployable cover-spawn rate 10 secs- but beware it will only take one fuel rod shot for it to be destroyed so dont depend on this protection. spawn capsule Trip mine spawn centre of map where deployable cover is. long rows You may hear the trip mine but you dont know what corner its behind Fuel rod guns obliterate but are slow.
looks pretty cool, i like the design i thought was going to be grenades or tripmines everwhere. this is a little better. also, is the health lowered or is the damage increased?
I like the idea of your map, but it might be kind of hard to prevent spawn killing. It is a good idea though. Just add some text to your post like: My map is here. Then highlight that, press the hyperlink button, and insert the URL of the file.
masterjelly7 if you had red my message it says you are invulnerable for first 3 sec of spawning to prevent spawn killing orbitalshot dammage is increased
Trolley showed me this map the other day, It is a hell of alot of fun, the layout and gametype alow for some intense games >.< great map bro keep it up.
Very classic and good idea, I've never seen this done before, and this looks really fun to play on. I'm going to give this a shot
Great map, interlocking is not something that will tell me it's the best but it is pretty good. In my opinion you should have removed the crouching, and lowered speed to compensate... But really it's not bad at all, the game play is unique because I have never seen anything like this, interlocking looks good but like I said earlier not something that tells me it is the best. I noticed the spawn points and I have to say that camping is possible, sure you might say just boot, but booting will lower your party's size and that's no fun. Along with that, I only saw equipment, does that mean you spawn with the heavy guns. In my opinion that will increase camping. But I have not played the game, I won't lie and say that I can't download, and I emphasize can't because my Xbox has a hardware malfunction, currently the box is being shipped and I called yesterday. I would have given your map a 5/5 for uniqueness, but the interlocking and camping lowered it. to 4/5. But be happy I can't rate because I have been warned.
Sweetest Map Eva!! Oh And trolley DONT EVER GO NEAR MY SISTER AGAIN, AFTER WHAT YOU DID 2 HER!!! Lol Yeah i like it, but i hate being real slow.
Agreed, the idea of this map is quite original and classic. Also it is a very good idea to bring back old times while playing Bomberman! From the pictures the map looks amazing! Great Job! 5/5!
I love the concept, but I have a suggestion or two. 1) If you used an assault variant, then you could use actual bombs! Space out 8 neutral bomb spawns and 8 neutral bomb plant points evenly, then set it set that you only get points for kills. 2) It would be neat if there were barriers that could be destroyed by the bombs like in the real game. I know blackout has destructible wooden boxes, or you could simply use pallets. I actually got myself really excited over the assault idea, so tell me if you're gonna use it cause if not I want to! UPDATE: I just realized that the assault idea is totally possible...plz let me know if I can use the idea!