very well made! once of the best maps I have seen in awhile. There is so many features about this map that I just simply love. I can see Construct and Cold Storage. The shotgun hall looks as if it has been thought out very well, because if you go down there, there is no cover. I just downloaded and I will report back with a much more detailed comment.
I love this map, I haven't played it yet but it looks awesome!!! I really like the teleporters pit!!!
Vertebraille By: TheSilenceBroken Enjoyment: 8/10: I enjoyed playing this map a lot. Jumping from bridge to bridge, taking leaps of faith and falling into the "River Of Death" as I call it was great. This map left me begging for more. I have it still on my hard-drive and its going to re-main that way for awhile. Balance: 9.7/10 You did a magnificent job of balancing this map. Nothing was overpowered. The time it took to get from one base to a power weapon was equal. No weapon controlled the map, made great gameplay. Durability: 7/10 This is where you lost points. There was only two little problems I had. The lifts were iffy. Half the time it was hard to get up them, some times I found my self getting rushed into one and getting killer because I couldn't get up it properly. Another thing was your river, it was not much of a problem but you didn't allways slide into it. You could hop on the walls of it and some times even stand on it. The map was unbreak-able to my knowledge. Aesthetics: 9/10 The Aesthetics were great. Some of the stuff was done before but you executed it well enough that it did not seem old. One thing I wished you did was turn your teleporters so that the edges did not stick out. The blinking lights was super original witch was the first time I saw that. Originality: 8/10 This part was a toss up. You had lots of great original ideas but some were already used. The lights were great and new to forge witch gained you points. The river of death was used before on some other maps so you lost points there, how ever like I stated before you exacuted it well so it seemed fine. Overall score : 8.7/10 This map is great! I had lots of fun on it, playing games and jumping around. There really isn't much I can think of fixxing stuff wise. The map was great like I said and caim out very well.. Note: I am not apart of the review hub. I used the outline for making MY review. My Review is my own option and The Review Hub is entitled to make there own Review. I will get to your video very soon and have it posted for you Great map!
Looks absolutely gorgeous, sir. A download is definitely in order, and I shall return with more comments in the near future. ^^dayum that sounded professional.
Okay... Here we go... Well, its finally up, after a few days of waiting because of your damn status, you tease, . The video you presented to me was great sustinance, but when I went back to forging my map, I saw it sitting there in recent maps. In a way I didnt want to dive into it out of respect for you but then I was overcome with thoughts like "ZOMG, forgethrough, FORGETHROUGH!". I didnt share it with anyone else, in case you're wondering. What I saw really impressed and intrigued me, I shall go through that soon. After seeing it, almost all of the excitment was headed towards the post and presentation. It did not disappoint, it impressed. I love the banners, you've added. This is the style of map post people should aspire to. I believe that the post is just like what a trailer is to its movie. This is an excellent trailer and it really makes me want to see the moive. The best difference between trailers and posts is that I dont have to wait months to actually see the movie/map. Such a good post, it is what the original Dark Knight Trailer is to the movie itself. So well done on that. Before I go up into my ass in positives, I'll go into the things that I dont fully understand. It's essentially just got to do with weapon placement. The choice to have both flare and camo to never respawn, I dont really understand. I wont go as far as to say that I dont like it, as I'm yet to play on it. They're just two things, I dont completely understand the reasoning behind. I'll have to see how they affect the flow of the map, because to remove both flare and camo(both quite fun equipment) may dull down the gameplay. As I said, I'll just have to see for myself, when I play it. The green lake of death kicks ass. Its a great feature to a great map. It is a great addition to aesthetics and gameplay, it serves a serious purpose; dont fall into the green ****. lol. I noticed a few times when I dived into it, for experimental purposes, I bounced out of another, but then I went back down and died. I didnt count, but I assume this was the only way this could've been acheived? because of a lack of sender nodes. You seem to have perfect the use of bridges, they have been placed and used wonderfully. Just thought I'd say that. Choice of weapons, seems perfect for this map. I love how you havent included what most people would with this kind of map, like snipers and a hammer etc. The shotgun seems perfectly fitting for this map, its not too close quarterd for it to rape and its not too open to render it useless. The choice for a needler was great too, it seems like a great map for the pink mist. BRs are good almost no thought is needed for their placement. Carbines are nice, it adds that variety in gameplay. Plasma Rifles and SMGs for same reasons as Carbine, things that add vareity to gameplay so it isnt a pure BR & AR mixed with shotty map. It seems you cannot escape this style of map. Rightly so how I really loved Bayonetwork and I am sure I will love Vertebraille even more. Both of which will have permanent places on my HDD. Its as if you do this style inadvertently, but then you perfect it on purpose. Spawns, I dont know about yet as I'm yet to play. They can potentially ruin your map, so hopefully they aren't what George Clooney was to Batman and are what Heath Ledger was to the Joker; so good that you forget its from Halo 3, which is impossible I know but its a nice analogy. I just noticed, I didnt say a thing about the layout yet. Well it definately reminds me of elements from both Cold Storage and Construct. It flows very, very nicely. Adament cover in every section of the map. Its so nice to see that. Because with you, every item serves a purpose and that is what people need to realise in their maps, random aesthetics can affect gameplay and not always in a good way. You have included a fantastic balance between aesthetics and functionality. The back tunnel was great too. I really loved that and how it become blocked off for asymmetric games. Because of the way its set out; that tunnel, I think, will not be a campers wet dream. Its accesible from both ends and it nades could easily combat that area. The lift was great too, I didnt like hitting the elastic barrier but it was the only way that'd work. It worked great. Sorry for all of the "love" "love" "love" and "great" "great" "great" but I love this map, it is great. Layout is just awesome, execuction of the layout is beyond awesome. Overall I award Vertebraille with 96%. As far as this getting featured; I can most certainly see it happening. Its such a greatly made map, the staff would be crazy to overlook this. On a closing note; John, I ... love ... this ... map. Word Count - 889.
Yea i did a forge through ^^ lol and it was perfect. plus you got like 45 comments 5 hours after you posted this. wow new record. but yea the lift is a little iffy but it can be fixed .
i noticed that people who played the map a few times got used to how it worked, and with a little guiding from your analog stick, you can easily use it how you wish.
from what i can see from the pictures, looks like a feature. i am downloading now and will check out as soon as i can. edit later
Looks good. I would absolutely love to see a real time environment on this bad boy. I do have one serious complaint. Weapon variety seems to have gone the way of the Dodo. A Brute Shot would be good, and it seems like a sniper would be a welcome addition to the map. The geometry looks excellent though.
This map looks awesome, another map to stay on my harddrive FOREVER. Looks absolutely perfect for 6 people across the board and this will be an INSTANT feature. Embrace premium-dum lol?
brute shot would just make this map easier to escape, and it was hard enough to make it like that. and if you play on it, you'll know damn well that snipers would wreck this map in a heartbeat.
Damn. Knowing this is out, I don't think I can ever forge again. This looks awesome. I look foward to playing it, great job man.
Yet another great map from thesilencebroken. Just recently I tried a 2v2 on the map, as recommended, and loved it. The map's design is outstanding and creates many 1v1 BR fights, etc. The interlocking and geometry merging is phenomenal and the active camo is placed great in an exposed area. The weapon placement works good. Otherwise the map's overall layout is great, along with the bridge with blinking red lights . 5/5, hope it gets featured.
Finally, your new map. My favorite part about your maps is you can see how much time and effort you put into them from the screenshots. Like everything is interlocked flawlessly and the design is just like a real map. It looks balanced, clean, and just pure awesome. Like marshmallows. So 5/5 and a DL. If this isn't featured, I'll make sure a strongly worded letter is addressed to Forge Hub. JK, I luv you guiz.
This map is unlike any other it features teh bridge wit lights the layout so perfect its like heaven in Foundry 5/5 this map is so good gameplay everything is so awesome!