No. A patch to a level won't add a new control. It's like saying that if I took a cut on my arm, put a band-aid on it, and all of a sudden I can fly. The basic structure of the H3 levels mimics the coding from H2. Think of the map file not as a map, but as an archived file. Like a .zip or .rar. (In fact, the map file is a .map file) This file is compressed, and unfortunately we don't have a decompresser tool to take all of the individual files like player gravity, weapon models, textures, or BSPs. However, by using tools like a hex editor and searching for specific codes in the file, we can anaylze, modify, and repatch the file. If I were to get my hex editor and take, say, Foundry, I could edit any part of the code that I want. Supposing that I wanted to make the death barriers go away, I could search for the right tag that references to the death barrier's location and or effect, and then null it so that it won't work. There are also ways to insert new files into the .map file. There are mods where there are new player models, vehicles, sounds, weapons, textures, etc. However, the problem with wanting to add a new control to lower your weapon isn't possible without modifying the code of the actual engine of the game. The engine would be like how Photoshop's .exe file runs, but actually grabs different files located in the folder to run. The controls and other things are located in this engine file, and this can't be modified. Of course, it's possible to alter the movement that pressing the left trigger would do, so instead of throwing a grenade, it would lower your weapon. However, this wouldn't be applicable to disk maps like Valhalla, Snowbound, or High Grounds. In short, any patch that you could throw at the game wouldn't be accepted. There are only a few areas in the game that are made to be expanded on with DLC, such as the map files, the game types, videos, and screenshots. Things such as the armor permutations, controls, physics engine, and AI mapping are located solely in the engine file that the .map file utilizes, but is locked beneath the compiled code.
I simply have to point out is recon impossible to get or is it content DL because its one of those Impossible notes you brought up...and its in every ones face... simple as that..bunige can do it..its if they want to..
It's not selectable as a normal player. It's like how other perms aren't available until you get them. Recon armor is hidden one step further. The references to the Recon permutation are in the same spots as the references to other armor permutations are. It's like how Explorer can hide files from being seen. It's still there, but with your current permissions level, you can't see it or use it using Explorer.
I really don't care for machinima, and I don't care whether or not I can lower my weapon. And btw, Halo topics go in Halo discussion. EDIT: Rofl, where did Halo Discussion go?
I'll not play Halo 3 on the 25th but I will play video games on the 25 . I need to keep the carnage alive untill you guys get back on the 26th. : ]
You don't download Katana Hayabusa. The unlocking process all depends on your gamer profile. If Bungie flags your profile as 'Recon User' or whatever, then the engine will recognize it and give that specific profile the ability to select the Recon permutation. No matter what Xbox 360 you play on, as long as you use that gamertag, it'll give you Recon. This is also how you are able to use other perms. The game will flag your profile to be able to use, say, EOD armor. Then, it'll read that it's able to be used.
I agree I agree to boycott Halo 3 on September 25th, 2008 for a full 24 hours! Bungie will open their eyes to our cause and give us our beloved weapon lowering!
Not really it's as others have pointed out, The only way it would effect them is if the players who play a lot don't play for months. 10,000 gamers not playing for one day, for example, will not bother them really, they have another 240,000 at peak times to compensate. However I agree it's a good cause, and would like to see it happen, however because of my past experiences with games, programming as well as modifying, the only way to change this would possibly use a hook, which would proberly require another program to be run at the same time, A hook is something which intercepts the processing of data and changes an event to do something else, for anyone that didn't know, which of course leaves nice large security holes for bungie.
Not really hard to change something in a game in fact infinity ward has done it with kill cam chases grenades and chase cam can go into first person.
Sadly that is different, the lowering of weapons isn't in the code, what you are talking about already is, all it needs is something to tell the game to have the camera angle from X instead of Y, it's kind of like building a wardrobe, without a door, you can't open the door, or close it, because it doesn't exist, however if you have the door,you can have the door on upside down, back to front and whatever else you want, because it's already there.